Scientific American Content: Global


1. Wildfires Threaten Nearly One Third of U.S Residents and Buildings
2. Warfare’s Climate Emissions Are Huge but Uncounted
3. Fossils from an Ice Age ‘Tree Spa’ Discovered
4. Scarlett Johansson’s OpenAI Dispute Raises Questions about 'Persona' Rights
5. Can We Solve Social Justice Problems with Math?
6. How Many Holes Does the Universe Have?
7. These Five Tanning Myths are Dangerous
8. How Your Itch Can Make Others Scratch
9. It Is Too Soon for Clinical Trials on Artificial Wombs
10. How Old Is the North Star? The Answer Could Change Our Maps of the Cosmos
11. ‘Pee-Cycling’ Could Help Tackle Cape Cod’s Polluted Waterways
12. During May’s Solar Superstorm, the Little-Known Science of Heliophysics Kept Us Safe
13. Volcanoes on Venus Might Be Erupting Right Now
14. The Sunspot Cluster behind the Recent Auroras Is Back!
15. Avocado Farms Aren’t Sustainable Now, but They Could Be
16. All the Darkness
We Cannot See
17. Removing Race from Lung Function Tests Could Benefit Millions of Black Americans
18. Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative ‘Flow State’
19. The 5 Hurricane Categories Don’t Fully Capture a Storm’s Complex Dangers
20. This Silk Creates Noise-Canceling Vibrations
21. Neurodivergent Kids Flourish When They’re Taught How Their Brains Work
22. Voyager 1’s Revival Offers Inspiration for Everyone on Earth
23. Do Aurora-Causing Solar Storms Mess with Migrating Wildlife?
24. Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Melting Even Faster Than Scientists Thought
25. New Earplugs Won’t Amplify the Sound of Your Own Voice
26. We Can Prevent Another Summer mPox Outbreak
27. Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Are Linked with Ancient Viral DNA in Our Genome
28. Backyard Conservation Protects Wildlife Close to Home
29. Ozempic Cuts Risk of Kidney Disease Death in People with Diabetes
30. Extreme Heat Exacerbates Brain Conditions from Alzheimer's to Migraines to Strokes
31. Lunar Dust Could ‘Sandblast’ Astronauts on the Moon, Studies Warn
32. An Alternative to Conventional Neural Networks Could Help Reveal What AI Is Doing behind the Scenes
33. The First Big Black Holes May Have Formed without Stars
34. Optical Illusions Can Fool AI Chatbots, Too
35. At Least Two Countries Have Lost All Their Glaciers
36. How the Guinness Brewery Invented the Most Important Statistical Method in Science
37. The 2024 Hurricane Season Could Be a Dangerous One
38. Big Oil May Pay Billions for Climate Pollution under New Legislation
39. Singapore Airlines Turbulence: Why Climate Change Is Making Flights Rougher
40. The Curious Life of a ‘Grotesque’ Singing Fish
41. Cutting-Edge Cosmic Microwave Background Observatory Hits South Pole Stumbling Block
42. We Must Face Down the Expanding Anti-Reality Industry
43. How Often Do Supernovas Strike Earth?
44. Cape Cod Weighs Big-Ticket Pollution Solutions
45. Bird Flu’s Missed Clues on Dairy Farms in Texas
46. Crows Rival Human Toddlers in Counting Skills
47. Cities Are Switching to Electric Vehicles Faster Than Individuals
48. Europe’s Mars Rover Will Use New Nuclear Power Source
49. Black Hole’s Mysterious ‘Plunging Region’ Matches Einstein’s Predictions
50. What Is Wind Shear, and How Does It Shape Hurricanes?
更新于 56 秒前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-06-02 Wildfires Threaten Nearly One Third of U.S Residents and Buildings
2024-06-01 Warfare’s Climate Emissions Are Huge but Uncounted
2024-06-01 Fossils from an Ice Age ‘Tree Spa’ Discovered
2024-06-01 It Is Too Soon for Clinical Trials on Artificial Wombs
2024-06-01 Scarlett Johansson’s OpenAI Dispute Raises Questions about 'Persona' Rights
2024-06-01 Can We Solve Social Justice Problems with Math?
2024-05-31 How Many Holes Does the Universe Have? Brajeshwar
2024-05-31 These Five Tanning Myths are Dangerous
2024-05-31 How Your Itch Can Make Others Scratch
2024-05-31 How Old Is the North Star? The Answer Could Change Our Maps of the Cosmos
2024-05-31 ‘Pee-Cycling’ Could Help Tackle Cape Cod’s Polluted Waterways
2024-05-31 During May’s Solar Superstorm, the Little-Known Science of Heliophysics Kept Us Safe
2024-05-31 Volcanoes on Venus Might Be Erupting Right Now
2024-05-31 The Sunspot Cluster behind the Recent Auroras Is Back!
2024-05-30 Avocado Farms Aren’t Sustainable Now, but They Could Be
2024-05-30 All the Darkness
We Cannot See
2024-05-30 Removing Race from Lung Function Tests Could Benefit Millions of Black Americans
2024-05-30 Brain Scans of Jazz Musicians Reveal How to Reach a Creative ‘Flow State’
2024-05-30 The 5 Hurricane Categories Don’t Fully Capture a Storm’s Complex Dangers
2024-05-30 This Silk Creates Noise-Canceling Vibrations
2024-05-30 Neurodivergent Kids Flourish When They’re Taught How Their Brains Work
2024-05-30 Voyager 1’s Revival Offers Inspiration for Everyone on Earth
2024-05-30 Do Aurora-Causing Solar Storms Mess with Migrating Wildlife?
2024-05-29 Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Melting Even Faster Than Scientists Thought
2024-05-29 We Can Prevent Another Summer mPox Outbreak
2024-05-29 New Earplugs Won’t Amplify the Sound of Your Own Voice sohkamyung
2024-05-29 Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Are Linked with Ancient Viral DNA in Our Genome
2024-05-29 Backyard Conservation Protects Wildlife Close to Home
2024-05-29 Ozempic Cuts Risk of Kidney Disease Death in People with Diabetes
2024-05-29 Extreme Heat Exacerbates Brain Conditions from Alzheimer's to Migraines to Strokes
2024-05-28 Lunar Dust Could ‘Sandblast’ Astronauts on the Moon, Studies Warn belter
2024-05-28 An Alternative to Conventional Neural Networks Could Help Reveal What AI Is Doing behind the Scenes
2024-05-28 The First Big Black Holes May Have Formed without Stars
2024-05-27 Optical Illusions Can Fool AI Chatbots, Too
2024-05-25 At Least Two Countries Have Lost All Their Glaciers
2024-05-25 How the Guinness Brewery Invented the Most Important Statistical Method in Science rmason
2024-05-25 The 2024 Hurricane Season Could Be a Dangerous One
2024-05-25 Big Oil May Pay Billions for Climate Pollution under New Legislation
2024-05-25 Singapore Airlines Turbulence: Why Climate Change Is Making Flights Rougher
2024-05-24 The Curious Life of a ‘Grotesque’ Singing Fish
2024-05-24 Cutting-Edge Cosmic Microwave Background Observatory Hits South Pole Stumbling Block
2024-05-24 We Must Face Down the Expanding Anti-Reality Industry
2024-05-24 How Often Do Supernovas Strike Earth? consumer451
2024-05-24 Cape Cod Weighs Big-Ticket Pollution Solutions
2024-05-24 Bird Flu’s Missed Clues on Dairy Farms in Texas
2024-05-24 Crows Rival Human Toddlers in Counting Skills amichail
2024-05-24 Cities Are Switching to Electric Vehicles Faster Than Individuals
2024-05-24 Europe’s Mars Rover Will Use New Nuclear Power Source
2024-05-24 Black Hole’s Mysterious ‘Plunging Region’ Matches Einstein’s Predictions Brajeshwar
2024-05-24 What Is Wind Shear, and How Does It Shape Hurricanes?
2024-05-23 The Artificial Intelligence Era Faces a Threat from Directed Energy Weapons etiam
2024-05-23 Bilingual Brain-Reading Implant Decodes Spanish and English
2024-05-23 Innovative Thinking Could Make New Sickle Cell Treatments More Accessible
2024-05-23 Are the Microplastics Found in Testicles a Health Danger?
2024-05-23 The Great Solar Storm of 2024 May Have Made the Strongest Auroras in Centuries
2024-05-23 Countries Must Cut Climate Pollution, Ocean Court Rules
2024-05-22 A “Zombie Expert” Shares Advice on How to Survive the Apocalypse
2024-05-22 This Start-Up Wants You to Put Custom Bacteria on Your Teeth
2024-05-22 Havana Syndrome: We Don’t Need to Choose between Brain Injury and ‘Mass Hysteria’
2024-05-22 Could Putting Neosporin in Your Nose Fend Off COVID?
2024-05-22 Phoenix, America’s Hottest City, Is Having a Surge of Deaths
2024-05-22 Ed Dwight, America’s First Black Astronaut Candidate, Flies to Space on Blue Origin Rocket
2024-05-21 The Sordid History of U.S. Food Safety Highlights the Importance of Regulation _Microft
2024-05-21 The Cockroach’s Surprisingly Recent Path to Global Domination
2024-05-21 There’s a Missing Human in Misinformation Fixes
2024-05-21 ‘Self-Cleaning’ Paint Could Break Down Pollutants on Surfaces and from the Air
2024-05-21 A Widely Used Criminal Justice Algorithm For Assessing Child Pornography Recidivism Is Flawed
2024-05-21 Is CBD Safe for Cats and Dogs?
2024-05-20 Quantum Internet Demonstrations Debut in Three Cities
2024-05-20 Bird Flu Makes Raw Milk Riskier, and Geomagnetic Storms Cause Colorful Skies
2024-05-19 Chemists Chase ‘Clean’ Ammonia to Replace Shipping Fuel
2024-05-18 What Is Pasteurization, and How Does It Keep Milk Safe?
2024-05-18 Hurricanes Caused Lost Income among at Least Half of Local Residents
2024-05-18 There Is Too Much Trash in Space delaugust
2024-05-18 Slow Response to Bird Flu in Cows Worries Scientists
2024-05-18 Proposed Plastics Law Could Slash Wasteful Packaging
2024-05-18 How Does ChatGPT ‘Think’? Psychology and Neuroscience Crack Open AI Large Language Models
2024-05-18 This Year’s La Niña Could Worsen Atlantic Hurricane Season
2024-05-17 AI Tool Predicts Whether Online Health Misinformation Will Cause Real-World Harm
2024-05-17 How Can You ‘See’ a Black Hole?
2024-05-17 What’s Turning Cape Cod’s Water ‘Pea-Soup Green’?
2024-05-17 Egypt’s Famed Pyramids Overlooked a Long-Lost Branch of the Nile
2024-05-17 Device Decodes ‘Internal Speech’ in the Brain
2024-05-17 Do We Have Enough Bird Flu Vaccines for a Potential Pandemic?
2024-05-17 Why Do We Sing? New Analysis of Folk Songs Finds Similarities around the World
2024-05-17 Spiderweb Thread Inspires Ultrasmall Microphones
2024-05-16 Strongest Solar Storm in 20 Years Did Little Damage, but Worse Weather Is Coming belter
2024-05-16 Mental Time Travel Helps Birds Remember Food Stashes
2024-05-16 How New Science Fiction Could Help Us Improve AI
2024-05-16 Does Quantum Physics Rule Out Free Will?
2024-05-16 Goose Bumps, Extra Nipples and Leftover Tails Remind Us of What We Once Were
2024-05-16 The Comstock Act Originated with Disregard for Women’s Lives. It Still Does Today
2024-05-15 A Cubic Millimeter of a Human Brain Has Been Mapped in Spectacular Detail
2024-05-15 Don Pettit, NASA’s Oldest Active Astronaut, Is Going Back to Space sohkamyung
2024-05-15 The Immune System May Struggle to Handle Hotter Summer Temperatures
2024-05-15 The New ‘Dream Chaser’ Spacecraft Prepares to Visit the International Space Station
2024-05-15 A Citrus-Scented Cannabis Compound Reduces Anxiety for Weed Users
2024-05-15 Orcas Just Sank Another Yacht belter
2024-05-15 April Heat Waves from Gaza to the Philippines Were Made Worse by Climate Change
2024-05-15 Disasters Displaced More Than 26 Million People in 2023

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