

1. Pharmacological modulation of septins restores calcium homeostasis and is neuroprotective in models of Alzheimer’s disease | Science
2. Germline-mediated immunoediting sculpts breast cancer subtypes and metastatic proclivity | Science
3. Stem-cell states converge in multistage cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma development | Science
4. Quantifying the impact of misinformation and vaccine-skeptical content on Facebook | Science
5. News at a glance: Preserving U.K. graduate visas, controlling peanut allergies, and chatting with animals
6. Quantum computers could soon speed the development of novel materials, catalysts, and drugs
7. Safely manage Alabama’s Mobile-Tensaw Delta | Science
8. China’s road slopes need long-term protection | Science
9. Militancy facilitates polio spread in Pakistan | Science
10. Bridging two views of autism | Science
11. Breaking down microdroplet chemistry | Science
12. Germline variants alter immune surveillance | Science
13. The future of the ocean | Science
14. A three-dimensionally architected electronic skin mimicking human mechanosensation | Science
15. Solid-state continuous time crystal in a polariton condensate with a built-in mechanical clock | Science
16. Hearing the seas | Science
17. Heinrich event ice discharge and the fate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation | Science
18. Living bioelectronics resolve inflammation | Science
19. Supersharers of fake news on Twitter | Science
20. A broader view of misinformation reveals potential for intervention | Science
21. In Other Journals | Science
22. No new fossil fuel projects: The norm we need | Science
23. In Science Journals | Science
24. Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth | Science
25. Treatments emerge for rare ‘catastrophic’ bone growth disease
26. Mysterious sea urchin plague is spreading through the world’s oceans
27. Does sleep really clean the brain? Maybe not, new paper argues
28. New Dutch right-wing coalition to cut research, innovation, and environmental protections
29. After crisis in interstellar space, stream of Voyager 1 data resumes
30. Joining a cancer trial doesn’t improve survival odds
更新于 27 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-05-31 Pharmacological modulation of septins restores calcium homeostasis and is neuroprotective in models of Alzheimer’s disease | Science
2024-05-31 Germline-mediated immunoediting sculpts breast cancer subtypes and metastatic proclivity | Science
2024-05-31 Stem-cell states converge in multistage cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma development | Science
2024-05-31 Quantifying the impact of misinformation and vaccine-skeptical content on Facebook | Science
2024-05-31 News at a glance: Preserving U.K. graduate visas, controlling peanut allergies, and chatting with animals Science News Staff
2024-05-31 Safely manage Alabama’s Mobile-Tensaw Delta | Science
2024-05-31 China’s road slopes need long-term protection | Science
2024-05-31 Militancy facilitates polio spread in Pakistan | Science
2024-05-31 Bridging two views of autism | Science
2024-05-31 Breaking down microdroplet chemistry | Science
2024-05-31 Germline variants alter immune surveillance | Science
2024-05-31 The future of the ocean | Science
2024-05-31 A three-dimensionally architected electronic skin mimicking human mechanosensation | Science
2024-05-31 Solid-state continuous time crystal in a polariton condensate with a built-in mechanical clock | Science
2024-05-31 Hearing the seas | Science
2024-05-31 Heinrich event ice discharge and the fate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation | Science
2024-05-31 Living bioelectronics resolve inflammation | Science
2024-05-31 Supersharers of fake news on Twitter | Science layer8
2024-05-31 A broader view of misinformation reveals potential for intervention | Science
2024-05-31 In Other Journals | Science
2024-05-31 No new fossil fuel projects: The norm we need | Science burkaman
2024-05-31 In Science Journals | Science
2024-05-31 Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth | Science
2024-05-31 Quantum computers could soon speed the development of novel materials, catalysts, and drugs Robert F. Service
2024-05-31 Treatments emerge for rare ‘catastrophic’ bone growth disease Mitch Leslie
2024-05-31 Mysterious sea urchin plague is spreading through the world’s oceans Sean Cummings
2024-05-31 Does sleep really clean the brain? Maybe not, new paper argues Sara Reardon
2024-05-31 New Dutch right-wing coalition to cut research, innovation, and environmental protections Martin Enserink
2024-05-31 After crisis in interstellar space, stream of Voyager 1 data resumes Collin Blinder
2024-05-31 Joining a cancer trial doesn’t improve survival odds Jennifer Couzin-Frankel
2024-05-24 Molecular cascades and cell type–specific signatures in ASD revealed by single-cell genomics | Science
2024-05-24 Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains | Science
2024-05-24 Single-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome | Science
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2024-05-24 A data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex | Science
2024-05-24 Genetic regulation of cell type–specific chromatin accessibility shapes brain disease etiology | Science
2024-05-24 Massively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex | Science rbanffy
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2024-05-24 Developmental isoform diversity in the human neocortex informs neuropsychiatric risk mechanisms | Science
2024-05-24 A struggle to reionize the Universe? | Science
2024-05-24 An emerging target for male contraception | Science
2024-05-24 Fathers and their children | Science
2024-05-24 Diana H. Wall (1943–2024) | Science
2024-05-24 Multistage maturation optimizes vision | Science
2024-05-24 Hope for limestone langurs’ conservation | Science
2024-05-24 Decoding the brain | Science
2024-05-24 Mapping the brain’s gene-regulatory maze | Science
2024-05-24 Pursuing a smoke-free generation | Science
2024-05-24 Unlocking interfaces in photovoltaics | Science
2024-05-24 Medical forecasting | Science rntn
2024-05-24 The cesarean section, in context | Science
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2024-05-24 Astronomers find long-missing dwarf galaxies—too many of them Jonathan O’Callaghan
2024-05-24 Alvin, the iconic research submersible, plunges deeper than ever Warren Cornwall
2024-05-24 Companies start work on bird flu vaccines for cows—despite major hurdles Jon Cohen
2024-05-24 Humans helped the German cockroach conquer the world Darren Incorvaia
2024-05-24 Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress – Science rbanffy
2024-05-24 Report slams Dutch archaeologist couple for intimidation, abuse of power, and theft of human remains Martin Enserink
2024-05-24 Federal officials suspend funding to EcoHealth Alliance, nonprofit entangled in COVID-19 origin debate Jocelyn Kaiser
2024-05-23 No humans needed: AI robots discover new laser materials on their own Robert F. Service
2024-05-17 News at a glance: Solar storm stuns, COVID-19 vaccine withdrawn, and fossils return to Brazil Science News Staff
2024-05-17 An inflamed brain can trigger psychosis. The search is on for patients who might be cured Richard Stone
2024-05-17 News at a glance | Science
2024-05-17 Vaccine priming of rare HIV broadly neutralizing antibody precursors in nonhuman primates | Science
2024-05-17 mRNA-LNP HIV-1 trimer boosters elicit precursors to broad neutralizing antibodies | Science
2024-05-17 Delocalized, asynchronous, closed-loop discovery of organic laser emitters | Science
2024-05-17 Plants in the human gaze | Science
2024-05-17 The whistleblowers | Science
2024-05-17 Undergraduate research data crucial to equity | Science
2024-05-17 Energy transition needs new materials | Science
2024-05-17 Progress on priming HIV-1 immunity | Science
2024-05-17 Engineering colloidal crystals molecule by molecule | Science
2024-05-17 Global band convergence design for high-performance thermoelectric power generation in Zintls | Science
2024-05-17 Metabolic loads and the costs of metazoan reproduction | Science
2024-05-17 Bandgap-universal passivation enables stable perovskite solar cells with low photovoltage loss | Science
2024-05-17 Inverse design of a pyrochlore lattice of DNA origami through model-driven experiments | Science
2024-05-17 The complexity of physician power | Science
2024-05-17 In Other Journals | Science
2024-05-17 Tool use promotes dental health | Science
2024-05-17 In Science Journals | Science
2024-05-17 Taking climate-smart governance to the high seas | Science
2024-05-17 Self-advocacy for young African scientists | Science
2024-05-17 AI-driven robots discover record-setting laser compound | Science
2024-05-17 Building on NIH’s data sharing policy | Science
2024-05-17 Lubert Stryer (1938—2024) | Science
2024-05-17 Why are elite athletes prone to abnormal heart rhythms? Jennifer Couzin-Frankel
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2024-05-17 The U.S. wants to change how researchers get access to a huge trove of health data. Many don’t like the idea Meredith Wadman
2024-05-17 NSF halts South Pole megaproject to probe infant cosmos’ growth spurt Adrian Cho
2024-05-17 Psychology study participants recruited online may provide nonsensical answers Cathleen O’Grady
2024-05-17 Cleavage-independent activation of ancient eukaryotic gasdermins and structural mechanisms | Science
2024-05-10 A petavoxel fragment of human cerebral cortex reconstructed at nanoscale resolution | Science isaacfrond
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2024-05-10 Coexistence of superconductivity with partially filled stripes in the Hubbard model | Science
2024-05-10 Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging at 0.05 Tesla | Science Jimega36
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2024-05-10 States of mind | Science
2024-05-10 Combating sediment surge in Tibetan rivers | Science
2024-05-10 Restore Iran’s marshes to prevent dust storms | Science

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