Kent C. Dodds Blog


1. Launching Epic Web
2. 2023 in Review
3. Stop Being a Junior
4. RSC with Dan Abramov and Joe Savona Live Stream
5. Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App
6. My Car Accident
7. 2022 in Review
8. I Migrated from a Postgres Cluster to Distributed SQLite with LiteFS
9. I'm building
10. A review of my time at Remix
11. Remix: The Yang to React's Yin
12. Why I Love Remix
13. The State Initializer Pattern
14. How to React ⚛️
15. How I help you build better websites
16. Get a catch block error message with TypeScript
17. How Remix makes CSS clashes predictable
18. Building an awesome image loading experience
19. Introducing the new
20. How I built a modern website in 2021
21. How to use React Context effectively
22. The Testing Trophy and Testing Classifications
23. Static vs Unit vs Integration vs E2E Testing for Frontend Apps
24. Don't Solve Problems, Eliminate Them
25. Super Simple Start to Remix
26. Array reduce vs chaining vs for loop
27. Super Simple Start to ESModules in Node.js
28. How to write a React Component in TypeScript
29. How to write a Constrained Identity Function (CIF) in TypeScript
30. JavaScript Pass By Value Function Parameters
31. How to optimize your context value
32. Build vs Buy: Component Libraries edition
33. Listify a JavaScript Array
34. TypeScript Function Syntaxes
35. Define function overload types with TypeScript
36. Wrapping React.useState with TypeScript
37. Using fetch with TypeScript
38. 2020 in Review
39. Business and Engineering alignment
40. Hi, thanks for reaching out to me ????
41. useEffect vs useLayoutEffect
42. Super simple start to Firebase functions
43. Super simple start to Netlify functions
44. Super Simple Start to css variables
45. useState lazy initialization and function updates
46. How getting into Open Source has been awesome for me
47. Testing Implementation Details
48. Favor Progress Over Pride in Open Source
49. JavaScript to Know for React
50. Application State Management with React
51. How I structure Express apps
52. What open source project should I contribute to?
53. Use ternaries rather than && in JSX
54. Use react-error-boundary to handle errors in React
55. Stop mocking fetch
56. AHA Programming ????
57. Should I write a test or fix a bug?
58. How I Record Educational Videos
59. When I follow TDD
60. Tracing user interactions with React
61. Eliminate an entire category of bugs with a few simple tools
62. Intentional Career Building
63. Common mistakes with React Testing Library
64. Improve test error messages of your abstractions
65. Function forms
66. Super Simple Start to React
67. The State Reducer Pattern with React Hooks
68. Stop using client-side route redirects
69. How to test custom React hooks
70. Stop using isLoading booleans
71. Should I useState or useReducer?
72. React Production Performance Monitoring
73. Replace axios with a simple custom fetch wrapper
74. Fix the "not wrapped in act(...)" warning
75. An Argument for Automation
76. Make your own DevTools
77. Make Your Test Fail
78. Super Simple Start to ESModules in the Browser
79. Implementing a simple state machine library in JavaScript
80. Don't call a React function component
81. Why I avoid nesting closures
82. 2010s Decade in Review
83. Why your team needs
84. Why users care about how you write code
85. How to Enable React Concurrent Mode
86. Understanding React's key prop
87. Inversion of Control
88. Speed up your App with Web Workers
89. Building the Open Source Community We Want
90. How to add testing to an existing project
91. Making your UI tests resilient to change
92. Fix the slow render before you fix the re-render
93. Profile a React App for Performance
94. State Colocation will make your React app faster
95. Don't Sync State. Derive It!
96. How to implement useState with useReducer
97. 5 Tips to Help You Avoid React Hooks Pitfalls
98. How to get experience as a software engineer
99. Write fewer, longer tests
100. Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration.
101. When to break up a component into multiple components
102. How I Teach
103. React Fundamentals: Props vs State
104. Avoid Nesting when you're Testing
105. When to useMemo and useCallback
106. Colocation
107. One simple trick to optimize React re-renders
108. Avoid the Test User
109. Authentication in React Applications
110. AHA Testing ????
111. How to know what to test
112. How to get started with programming
113. How to Enable React Strict Mode
114. ???? Big Announcement: I'm a full-time educator! ????‍????
115. Please stop building inaccessible forms (and how to fix them)
116. React Hooks: Compound Components
117. Goodbye Medium
118. 2018 in Review
119. How Gratitude can make you a better developer
120. React Hooks: What's going to happen to render props?
121. React Hooks: What's going to happen to react context?
122. React Hooks: What's going to happen to my tests?
123. React Hooks: Array Destructuring Fundamentals
124. Introducing a new course: Simplify React Apps with React Hooks and Suspense
125. UI Testing Myths
126. The Merits of Mocking
127. Common Testing Mistakes
128. React is an implementation detail
129. Demystifying Testing
130. React/JSX as a server-side templating language
131. Confidently Shipping Code
132. Why you've been bad about testing
133. The time I messed up
134. Make Impossible States Impossible
135. How I am so productive
136. How to make the most out of conferences
137. Getting Noticed and Widening Your Reach
138. Polyfill as needed with polyfill-service
139. unpkg: An open source CDN for npm
140. mdx-deck: slide decks powered by markdown and react
141. Why and How I started public speaking
142. Test Isolation with React
143. What is JSX?
144. Why I Never Use Shallow Rendering
145. What is a polyfill
146. ???? UPDATED: Advanced React Component Patterns ⚛️
147. ???? downshift 2.0.0 released ????
148. JavaScript default parameters
149. Write your own code transform for fun and profit
150. When to use Control Props or State Reducers
151. Dealing with FOMO
152. Mixing Component Patterns
153. How I learn an Open Source Codebase
154. Prop Drilling
155. React DevTools
156. Introducing the react-testing-library ????
157. Compose Render Props
158. Migrating to React's New Context API
159. Pure Modules
160. Increase your marketability
161. When to NOT use Render Props
162. Solidifying what you learn
163. But really, what is a JavaScript mock?
164. React's ⚛️ new Context API
165. Answers to common questions about render props
166. The state reducer pattern ⚛️ ????
167. But really, what is a JavaScript test?
168. Testing ⚛️ components using render props
169. Building Production Apps 100% in the browser
170. Spelunking in node_modules ????
171. Concerning toolkits ???? ????
172. Advanced React Component Patterns
173. Learn React Fundamentals ???? and Advanced Patterns ⚛️ ????
174. The Beginner's Guide to ReactJS
175. Merry Christmas!
176. Giving good demos
177. Improving the usability of your modules
178. Rendering a function with React
179. Becoming an Open Source Project Maintainer
180. How to give rendering control to users with prop getters
181. Make maintainable workarounds with codegen ????
182. Effective Snapshot Testing
183. Tools without config ????????
184. Introducing downshift ???? for React ⚛️
185. How writing custom Babel & ESLint plugins can increase productivity & improve user experience
186. Classes, Complexity, and Functional Programming
187. Introducing glamorous ????
188. Tips for making a CLI-based tool with node
189. Migrating to Jest
190. ???? Sunsetting JavaScript Air ????
191. Kent OOO (Out Of the Office)
192. Introducing: How to Contribute to Open Source
193. Misunderstanding ES6 Modules, Upgrading Babel, Tears, and a Solution
194. Semicolons in JavaScript: A preference
195. Open Source Stamina
196. Please, don't commit commented out code
197. Why I don't commit generated files to master
198. How to Write a JavaScript Library
199. First Timers Only
200. Newspaper Code Structure
更新于 43 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2023-05-31 Stop Being a Junior sarimkx
2023-03-14 RSC with Dan Abramov and Joe Savona Live Stream
2023-01-28 A review of my time at Remix bennettdams
2023-01-28 Avoid Nesting when you're Testing h3mb3
2023-01-28 Testing Implementation Details sandgiant
2023-01-28 Stop using isLoading booleans valtism
2023-01-28 Make Your Test Fail giorgioz
2023-01-28 When to useMemo and useCallback shekhardesigner
2023-01-28 Application State Management with React brlewis
2023-01-28 Use ternaries rather than && in JSX h3mb3
2023-01-28 Why I Love Remix jjdeveloper
2023-01-28 How I built a modern website in 2021 @kentcdodds
2023-01-28 Don't Solve Problems, Eliminate Them rajeevk
2023-01-28 Inversion of Control lowmemcpu
2023-01-28 Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration. metadat
2023-01-28 Colocation seanwilson
2023-01-28 Build vs Buy: Component Libraries edition hughcrt
2023-01-28 Misunderstanding ES6 Modules, Upgrading Babel, Tears, and a Solution shekhardesigner
2023-01-28 JavaScript to Know for React mariuz
2023-01-28 First Timers Only gtirloni
2023-01-28 Stop mocking fetch kiyanwang
2023-01-28 How to Enable React Concurrent Mode nnx
2023-01-28 AHA Programming ???? kinjba11
2023-01-28 My Car Accident
2023-01-28 2022 in Review
2023-01-28 I'm building
2023-01-28 Remix: The Yang to React's Yin
2023-01-28 The State Initializer Pattern
2023-01-28 How to React ⚛️
2023-01-28 How I help you build better websites
2023-01-28 Get a catch block error message with TypeScript
2023-01-28 How Remix makes CSS clashes predictable
2023-01-28 Building an awesome image loading experience
2023-01-28 Introducing the new
2023-01-28 How to use React Context effectively
2023-01-28 The Testing Trophy and Testing Classifications
2023-01-28 Static vs Unit vs Integration vs E2E Testing for Frontend Apps
2023-01-28 Super Simple Start to Remix
2023-01-28 Array reduce vs chaining vs for loop
2023-01-28 Super Simple Start to ESModules in Node.js
2023-01-28 How to write a React Component in TypeScript
2023-01-28 JavaScript Pass By Value Function Parameters
2023-01-28 How to write a Constrained Identity Function (CIF) in TypeScript
2023-01-28 How to optimize your context value
2023-01-28 Listify a JavaScript Array
2023-01-28 TypeScript Function Syntaxes
2023-01-28 Define function overload types with TypeScript
2023-01-28 Wrapping React.useState with TypeScript
2023-01-28 Using fetch with TypeScript
2023-01-28 2020 in Review
2023-01-28 Business and Engineering alignment
2023-01-28 Hi, thanks for reaching out to me ????
2023-01-28 useEffect vs useLayoutEffect
2023-01-28 Super simple start to Firebase functions
2023-01-28 Super simple start to Netlify functions
2023-01-28 Super Simple Start to css variables
2023-01-28 useState lazy initialization and function updates
2023-01-28 How getting into Open Source has been awesome for me
2023-01-28 Favor Progress Over Pride in Open Source
2023-01-28 How I structure Express apps
2023-01-28 Use react-error-boundary to handle errors in React
2023-01-28 What open source project should I contribute to?
2023-01-28 Should I write a test or fix a bug?
2023-01-28 How I Record Educational Videos
2023-01-28 When I follow TDD
2023-01-28 Tracing user interactions with React
2023-01-28 Eliminate an entire category of bugs with a few simple tools
2023-01-28 Intentional Career Building
2023-01-28 Improve test error messages of your abstractions
2023-01-28 Common mistakes with React Testing Library
2023-01-28 Function forms
2023-01-28 Super Simple Start to React
2023-01-28 The State Reducer Pattern with React Hooks
2023-01-28 How to test custom React hooks
2023-01-28 Should I useState or useReducer?
2023-01-28 React Production Performance Monitoring
2023-01-28 Replace axios with a simple custom fetch wrapper
2023-01-28 Fix the "not wrapped in act(...)" warning
2023-01-28 Make your own DevTools
2023-01-28 An Argument for Automation
2023-01-28 Super Simple Start to ESModules in the Browser
2023-01-28 Implementing a simple state machine library in JavaScript
2023-01-28 Don't call a React function component
2023-01-28 Why I avoid nesting closures
2023-01-28 2010s Decade in Review
2023-01-28 Why your team needs
2023-01-28 Why users care about how you write code
2023-01-28 Understanding React's key prop
2023-01-28 Speed up your App with Web Workers
2023-01-28 Building the Open Source Community We Want
2023-01-28 Making your UI tests resilient to change vinnyglennon
2023-01-28 How to add testing to an existing project
2023-01-28 Profile a React App for Performance
2023-01-28 Fix the slow render before you fix the re-render
2023-01-28 State Colocation will make your React app faster
2023-01-28 Don't Sync State. Derive It!
2023-01-28 How to implement useState with useReducer
2023-01-28 5 Tips to Help You Avoid React Hooks Pitfalls
2023-01-28 How to get experience as a software engineer
2023-01-28 Write fewer, longer tests

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