Dennis Yurichev's blog


1. [Russian][Crypto] Что такое side-channel attack / timing attack
2. [Russian] Русский язык и регулярные выражения
3. [Russian] Подделка скриншотов
4. [Russian] О ChatGPT
5. [RevEng] Demographics of reverse engineering
6. Demographics of SAT/SMT
7. [Pure C] Negative array index in practice
8. [Russian][Math] Как снять квартиру используя задачу о разборчивой невесте
9. VirtualBox sudden error
10. [Math] Switch to right gear on your bike using GCD (greatest common divisor)
11. Question to audio engineers
12. [Math] Why cellular network has hexagonal shape?
13. ChatGPT and LLM: simplest possible explanation
14. [Math] pastebin-like services and logarithmic scale
15. [RevEng] Challenge/keygenme #88: the solution
16. Typos in Intel manuals: who to contact?
17. [Crypto] Why authenticated encryption and MAC is so important
18. [Math] Finite State Machines (FSMs) for programmers and mere mortals
19. [Math] Solving Integer Linear Problem during hangover
20. [Crypto] SSL/TLS, part 2: Toy TLS 1.2 client with TLS_DHE_RSA ciphersuites support.
21. [Crypto] Length extension attack + HMAC explained
22. [Crypto] SSL/TLS, part 1: Toy TLS 1.2 client in ~1200 SLOC of Python.
23. [Math][Python] Computing CRC in parallel
24. [Math] Parallelizing remainder calculation over bignum
25. [SAT] Running Kissat SAT-solver on ARM CPU
26. [Python] Pointers/references in Python, part II
27. How good your knowledge of bitwise tricks? Exercise. And answer.
28. [RevEng] Old versions are cool
29. [RevEng] John Guttag on debugging
30. [Russian] Fencepost error / off-by-one error / ошибка неучтённой единицы
31. [Python][For noobs] What is anonymous/lambda function?
32. Reverse Engineering for Beginners: 10-years anniversary
33. [SAT][SMT][CS] Håkan Kjellerstrand's work
34. SQL vs NoSQL: shortest possible explanation
35. [Math] Cyclic redundancy check: yet another interesting feature
36. [Math][Python][Bash] Printing reminders picked using lorarithmic scale
37. VPN from Android to Linux: WireGuard working example
38. [Math] Binary logarithm, part III
39. Understanding latency vs. network speed
40. Learning Perl
41. [Python][C][C++][For noobs] What is 'continue'
42. [Python] Simplest possible serialization/marshalling
43. Public transport glitch. Dedicated to all fans of John Conway's Game of Life. Seen in Kiev.
44. Weak data typing in MySQL
45. [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part II
46. [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part III
47. [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part I
48. [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part IV
49. [Crypto] RSA blinding
50. [Crypto][Python] Padding oracle attack: demonstration
51. [Crypto] PKCS#7 padding
52. [Pure C][x86][RevEng] Function arguments as local variables
53. [Math][Python] Trimming backups with logarithmic scale, part II
54. [Math][Python] Birthday problem
55. [Украина][Киев][Bash] График отключений напруги
56. [Unix] Comparing CPU features with the help of cut/tr/diff/grep commands
57. [Pure C] Manual inlining
58. [Russian][Math] Проблема 2000 и модульная арифметика
59. [Crypto] Ethereum keystore - what is in it?
60. [Crypto] Fuzzy password
61. [Pure C] Clang is better than GCC
62. [Python] Wordclouds for your book library
63. [Unix] Logging your work using suckless dwm
64. [Math][RevEng] Boolean algebra for noobs: stack alignment
65. [RevEng] Learn reverse engineering: but where to start?
66. [Math] Boolean algebra for noobs: easy exercise
67. CPU vs (GP)GPU: the difference
68. [Math][Python] Mixed radix, part II
69. [Logic] Formal fallacy for programmers
70. VPN from Windows to Linux: WireGuard working example
71. Wget patch: limit-size
72. [Math][Python] Cartesian product by example
73. [Math] Binary logarithm, part II
74. [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part IV
75. SSH servers survey in 2022
76. [RevEng][Math] Data compression and entropy, part II
77. [Crypto] SSL/TLS certificates survey (in wild) + (failed) RSA GCD attack in 2022
78. [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part III: publickey auth
79. Decompilation to pure C using Hex-Rays or Ghidra
80. How good your knowledge of bitwise tricks? Exercise.
81. [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part II: fingerprint
82. [Crypto] Cracking AES-CTR with reused nonce
83. [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part I: toy SSH client in ~1k SLOC
84. [RevEng] Challenge/keygenme #88: a hint
85. [Unix] Pipes for parallel processing
86. [Math][Python] Project Euler #99 and logarithmic representation
87. [Math] Factlets about integer factorization
88. [Math] Modulo inverse and the solution to the reverse engineering challenge #87
89. [SAT] Deducing CNF for multi-input XOR function
90. [Math] Exponentiation and binary logarithm for network administrators
91. [RevEng][Math] Data compression and entropy
92. Using tabs
93. [Russian] Как писать технические тексты
94. [Math][Python] Mixed radix, role-playing dices and PRNG
95. [Crypto] Safe backups (or ransomware) using RSA/PGP/GnuPG/OpenSSL
96. [Math] OEIS mirrored for local browsing
97. [Crypto] RSA: how Chinese Remainder Theorem is used here
98. [Crypto] Birthday attack: yet another explanation
99. [Crypto] Low-exponent attack on RSA: an example
100. [Unix][Crypto] Simplest possible password manager
101. [Python][Math] Deciphering Uber rating
102. [Lisp, ML, Haskell] Tail call/recursion/optimization
103. ElGamal signature scheme
104. ElGamal encryption system, cracking it using CADO-NFS
105. [Math] Android lock screen (9 dots) has exactly 140240 possible ways to (un)lock it
106. Lisp notes
107. Trimming backups with logarithmic scale
108. [Math] How I rented a flat with the help of calculus
109. [Math] Drawing a circle, point-by-point, without floating point support
110. [Math] Drawing clock with sin()/cos()
111. [Unix] Using the 'uniq -c' command to get some statistics, part II
112. [Crypto] Cracking Diffie–Hellman key exchange using CADO-NFS + Logjam SSL/TLS attack
113. [Unix] Using the 'uniq -c' command to get some statistics
114. [SAT] UNSAT proofs
115. [Math] Primitive root
116. [Math] Remainder as a checksum
117. [Crypto] Two factor auth, RSA tokens
118. [C/C++][Assembly][RevEng] Understanding C/C++ code by compiling it
119. [Crypto] Licensing your software with OpenSSL. Using license keys. Software copy-protection.
120. [C/C++] Yet another explanation of C/C++ pointers
121. Software copy protection/licensing
122. [Crypto] How to crack RSA-512 on off-the-shelf hardware in 4 days
123. [Unix] Maildir, mutt and vim
124. Translating my books
125. [Math] Injective, surjective, bijective functions
126. [English] Powershell: cmdlet, funclet, etc
127. [Chess] Knight's movements
128. [Unix] Load average
129. [Wolfram] Wordclouds for your book library
130. [RevEng] Orthodox file managers
131. [RevEng] Challenge/keygenme #88
132. [Math] If and only if (IFF) in programming
133. [Pure C] Why memcpy/strcpy/strcat return a value?
134. CRC32(32-bit buffer) is a bijective function
135. [Python] Pointers/references in Python
136. [Python] Russell's (Barber) paradox explanation in Python
137. [RevEng] Const correctness in C/C++
138. Expired domains in the most popular Wikipedia articles
139. How to learn Regular Expressions
140. setjmp/longjmp
141. [Math][Python] Shift array using modulo arithmetic or remainder operation
142. [Racket] Split current directory to smaller chunks
143. [Racket] Remove longest common prefix from a group of filenames
144. [RevEng] Find CRC utility
145. [Racket][Math] Deciphering Uber rating
146. [Math] Variance and interpersonal relationships
147. [Russian] Как своевременно лочить ресурсы в Макдоналдсе
148. [Unix] Determining file versions using 'join' command
149. [Assembly] Position-independent code
150. Simplest possible intro to finite state machines
151. [RevEng] Processing multiple executables in IDA
152. Weird sort algorithm: verification using KLEE
153. Fun with regular expressions: part III
154. Fun with regular expressions and verification using CBMC: part IV
155. Fun with regular expressions: part I
156. Fun with regular expressions: part II
157. [Racket] Filetree stat by month
158. [Python] A problem for Python hackers: the solution
159. Donald Knuth's SAT solvers
160. [Russian] Поиск опечаток в русскоязычной и украиноязычной Wikipedia
161. Hunting for typos in Wikipedia
162. [Russian][Video] Мой рассказ о SAT/SMT летом 2021, в Zoom-е
163. [Python] A problem for Python hackers. How good your knowledge is?
164. base64scanner
165. Boyer-Moore string search algorithm explanation and formal verification using CBMC
166. [Unix] Using GeoIP from commandline
167. Bayes classifier for your books
168. [Unix] Translating a text from screenshot
169. [Unix] The most primitive local search engine for your books library
170. Reverse Engineering for Beginners published in Korean language
171. 'SAT/SMT by Example' book: 5-year anniversary
172. [Math] Latin squares for programmer
173. [Algo] Rolling hash; Rabin-Karp string search
174. [Math] IEEE 754 round-off errors
175. Knuth-Morris-Pratt string-searching algorithm (part I) + my homebrew algorithms formally verified using CBMC
176. Knuth-Morris-Pratt string-searching algorithm (part II): DFA version
177. Knuth-Morris-Pratt string-searching algorithm (part III): DFA-less version
178. Yet another use of regex backreferences
179. Some of (remote) git internals, part II
180. [Russian][Math][Python] Ломаем пароль при помощи комбинаторики и mixed radix
181. [Russian][Math] Как пить таблетки применяя наименьшее общее кратное (НОК)
182. [Russian][Math] Как я снимал квартиру при помощи мат.анализа
183. [Unix] Gauging size of a directory available via Apache webserver index
184. [Unix] Tracking changes on web1.0-style websites
185. [Math] 'Two parks' problem and inclusion–exclusion principle using boolean operations
186. Some of git internals (updated)
187. Impact of order of files in tar archive on compressed size
188. [Math] Set theory explanation via boolean operation
189. [Russian] Что такое NP-проблемы: для неспециалистов
190. [Russian] математический анекдот (исправил ошибку)
191. Math for programmers
192. A reverse engineering challenge: an intricate visual pattern in 39 bytes: the solution
193. [Python][SAT] Toy package manager under 200 SLOC on top of SAT solver
194. [IDAPython] Generating nice callgraphs, part II.
195. [Russian] Копи-центры в Украине
196. RE4B in Polish: Inżynieria wsteczna dla początkujących
197. [SAT] UNSAT core
198. [Books] On (technical/scientific) writing
199. A reverse engineering challenge: an intricate visual pattern in 39 bytes
200. Pintool: tracking 'CALL 0' and 'JMP 0' instruction
201. [Russian] Задачи по программированию
202. [Racket] SplitBy function I always wanted + fortune program in ~5 SLOC
203. [Linux] Lenovo Thinkpad T500 WiFi issue
204. [Books] Algorithms
205. [Linux] The most primitive clipboard manager you can ever find
206. Cracking my old Tiny C obfuscator
207. SAT solver on top of regex matcher
208. [Russian] KasperskyOS
209. [MaxSMT] Finding minimum of a simple function using MK85 and simulated annealing
210. [Utility][Python] Kill busy process
211. [Utility][Python] megagrep
212. The RE4B book is 10 years old today.
213. [win32][Utility] Copyfile
214. [Utility][Python] DDFF - Duplicate Directories and Files Finder
215. Solving Martin Gardner's chess problem using simulated annealing
216. [Linux] Using lsof
217. The RE4B book printed on paper
218. Yet another entropy calculating tool
219. Get Wikimapia URL from EXIF
220. [Utility] Programmer's calculator
221. [IDAPython] Generating nice callgraphs.
222. What MSVC's version has been used to compile Windows 10?
更新于 4 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-04-20 RE4B's page is to be deleted in Wikipedia
2024-04-13 [Russian] Русский язык и регулярные выражения
2024-04-13 [Russian] Подделка скриншотов
2024-04-05 [Russian] О ChatGPT
2023-07-01 [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part I: toy SSH client in ~1k SLOC cbzbc
2023-07-01 [Unix] Pipes for parallel processing nixcraft
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Birthday attack: yet another explanation todsacerdoti
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Low-exponent attack on RSA: an example rdpintqogeogsaa
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Computing CRC in parallel
2023-07-01 [Math] Parallelizing remainder calculation over bignum
2023-07-01 [SAT] Running Kissat SAT-solver on ARM CPU
2023-07-01 [Python] Pointers/references in Python, part II
2023-07-01 How good your knowledge of bitwise tricks? Exercise. And answer.
2023-07-01 [RevEng] Old versions are cool
2023-07-01 [RevEng] John Guttag on debugging
2023-07-01 [Russian] Fencepost error / off-by-one error / ошибка неучтённой единицы
2023-07-01 A minute of narcissism: what ChatGPT knows about Dennis Yurichev?
2023-07-01 [Python][For noobs] What is anonymous/lambda function?
2023-07-01 Reverse Engineering for Beginners: 10-years anniversary
2023-07-01 [SAT][SMT][CS] Håkan Kjellerstrand's work
2023-07-01 SQL vs NoSQL: shortest possible explanation
2023-07-01 [Math] Cyclic redundancy check: yet another interesting feature
2023-07-01 [Math][Python][Bash] Printing reminders picked using lorarithmic scale
2023-07-01 VPN from Android to Linux: WireGuard working example
2023-07-01 [Math] Binary logarithm, part III
2023-07-01 Understanding latency vs. network speed
2023-07-01 Learning Perl
2023-07-01 [Python][C][C++][For noobs] What is 'continue'
2023-07-01 [Python] Simplest possible serialization/marshalling
2023-07-01 Public transport glitch. Dedicated to all fans of John Conway's Game of Life. Seen in Kiev.
2023-07-01 [Russian][Crypto] Что такое side-channel attack / timing attack
2023-07-01 Weak data typing in MySQL
2023-07-01 [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part IV
2023-07-01 [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part III
2023-07-01 [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part I
2023-07-01 [Crypto][Python] D.Bleichenbacher attack on RSA PKCS#1, part II
2023-07-01 [Crypto] RSA blinding
2023-07-01 [Crypto][Python] Padding oracle attack: demonstration
2023-07-01 [Crypto] PKCS#7 padding
2023-07-01 [Pure C][x86][RevEng] Function arguments as local variables
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Trimming backups with logarithmic scale, part II
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Birthday problem
2023-07-01 [Украина][Киев][Bash] График отключений напруги
2023-07-01 [Unix] Comparing CPU features with the help of cut/tr/diff/grep commands
2023-07-01 [Pure C] Manual inlining
2023-07-01 [Украина] Лайфхак для работающих на ноутбуках в ТЦ и прочих кабаках
2023-07-01 [Russian][Math] Проблема 2000 и модульная арифметика
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Ethereum keystore - what is in it?
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Fuzzy password
2023-07-01 [Python] Wordclouds for your book library
2023-07-01 [Unix] Logging your work using suckless dwm
2023-07-01 [Math][RevEng] Boolean algebra for noobs: stack alignment
2023-07-01 [RevEng] Learn reverse engineering: but where to start? noch
2023-07-01 [Math] Boolean algebra for noobs: easy exercise
2023-07-01 CPU vs (GP)GPU: the difference
2023-07-01 Wget patch: limit-size
2023-07-01 [Logic] Formal fallacy for programmers
2023-07-01 VPN from Windows to Linux: WireGuard working example
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Mixed radix, part II
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Cartesian product by example
2023-07-01 [Math] Binary logarithm, part II
2023-07-01 [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part IV
2023-07-01 SSH servers survey in 2022
2023-07-01 [RevEng][Math] Data compression and entropy, part II
2023-07-01 [Crypto] SSL/TLS certificates survey (in wild) + (failed) RSA GCD attack in 2022
2023-07-01 [Philosophy] Ship of Theseus
2023-07-01 [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part III: publickey auth
2023-07-01 Decompilation to pure C using Hex-Rays or Ghidra
2023-07-01 How good your knowledge of bitwise tricks? Exercise.
2023-07-01 Don't use Payoneer
2023-07-01 [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part II: fingerprint
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Cracking AES-CTR with reused nonce
2023-07-01 [RevEng] Challenge/keygenme #88: a hint
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Project Euler #99 and logarithmic representation
2023-07-01 [Math] Factlets about integer factorization
2023-07-01 [Math] Modulo inverse and the solution to the reverse engineering challenge #87
2023-07-01 My Discord server/channels and Discourse
2023-07-01 [SAT] Deducing CNF for multi-input XOR function
2023-07-01 [Math] Exponentiation and binary logarithm for network administrators
2023-07-01 [RevEng][Math] Data compression and entropy
2023-07-01 Using tabs
2023-07-01 [Math][Python] Mixed radix, role-playing dices and PRNG
2023-07-01 [Russian] Как писать технические тексты
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Safe backups (or ransomware) using RSA/PGP/GnuPG/OpenSSL
2023-07-01 [Math] OEIS mirrored for local browsing
2023-07-01 [Crypto] RSA: how Chinese Remainder Theorem is used here
2023-07-01 [Unix][Crypto] Simplest possible password manager
2023-07-01 [Python][Math] Deciphering Uber rating
2023-07-01 [Lisp, ML, Haskell] Tail call/recursion/optimization
2023-07-01 ElGamal signature scheme
2023-07-01 ElGamal encryption system, cracking it using CADO-NFS
2023-07-01 [Math] Android lock screen (9 dots) has exactly 140240 possible ways to (un)lock it
2023-07-01 Lisp notes
2023-07-01 Trimming backups with logarithmic scale
2023-07-01 [Math] How I rented a flat with the help of calculus
2023-07-01 [Math] Drawing a circle, point-by-point, without floating point support
2023-07-01 [Math] Drawing clock with sin()/cos()
2023-07-01 [Unix] Using the 'uniq -c' command to get some statistics, part II
2023-07-01 [Crypto] Cracking Diffie–Hellman key exchange using CADO-NFS + Logjam SSL/TLS attack

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