Genome Research current issue


1. Corrigendum: A statistical learning method for simultaneous copy number estimation and subclone clustering with single-cell sequencing data [CORRIGENDUM] Qin, F., Cai, G., Amos, C. I., Xiao, F.
2. Systematic mapping of TF-mediated cell fate changes by a pooled induction coupled with scRNA-seq and multi-omics approaches [METHODS] Lee, M., Guo, Q., Kim, M., Choi, J., Segura, A., Genceroglu, A., LeBlanc, L., Ramirez, N., Jang, Y. J., Jang, Y., Lee, B.-K., Marcotte, E. M., Kim, J.
3. The genome of the colonial hydroid Hydractinia reveals that their stem cells use a toolkit of evolutionarily shared genes with all animals [RESOURCES] Schnitzler, C. E., Chang, E. S., Waletich, J., Quiroga-Artigas, G., Wong, W. Y., Nguyen, A.-D., Barreira, S. N., Doonan, L. B., Gonzalez, P., Koren, S., Gahan, J. M., Sanders, S. M., Bradshaw, B., DuBuc, T. Q., Febrimarsa, , de Jong, D., Nawrocki, E. P., Larson, A., Klasfeld, S., Gornik, S. G., Moreland, R. T., Wolfsberg, T. G., Phillippy, A. M., Mullikin, J. C., Simakov, O., Cartwright, P., Nicotra, M., Frank, U., Baxevanis, A. D.
4. Phased nanopore assembly with Shasta and modular graph phasing with GFAse [METHODS] Lorig-Roach, R., Meredith, M., Monlong, J., Jain, M., Olsen, H. E., McNulty, B., Porubsky, D., Montague, T. G., Lucas, J. K., Condon, C., Eizenga, J. M., Juul, S., McKenzie, S. K., Simmonds, S. E., Park, J., Asri, M., Koren, S., Eichler, E. E., Axel, R., Martin, B., Carnevali, P., Miga, K. H., Paten, B.
5. Robust chromatin state annotation [METHODS] Foroozandeh Shahraki, M., Farahbod, M., Libbrecht, M. W.
6. Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonic Oikopleura dioica cryptic species [RESEARCH] Plessy, C., Mansfield, M. J., Bliznina, A., Masunaga, A., West, C., Tan, Y., Liu, A. W., Grasic, J., del Rio Pisula, M. S., Sanchez-Serna, G., Fabrega-Torrus, M., Ferrandez-Roldan, A., Roncalli, V., Navratilova, P., Thompson, E. M., Onuma, T., Nishida, H., Canestro, C., Luscombe, N. M.
7. Ancestral aneuploidy and stable chromosomal duplication resulting in differential genome structure and gene expression control in trypanosomatid parasites [RESEARCH] Reis-Cunha, J. L., Pimenta-Carvalho, S. A., Almeida, L. V., Coqueiro-dos-Santos, A., Marques, C. A., Black, J. A., Damasceno, J., McCulloch, R., Bartholomeu, D. C., Jeffares, D. C.
8. Experimentally evolving Drosophila erecta populations may fail to establish an effective piRNA-based host defense against invading P-elements [RESEARCH] Selvaraju, D., Wierzbicki, F., Kofler, R.
9. Translation-dependent and -independent mRNA decay occur through mutually exclusive pathways defined by ribosome density during T cell activation [RESEARCH] Mercier, B. C., Labaronne, E., Cluet, D., Guiguettaz, L., Fontrodona, N., Bicknell, A., Corbin, A., Wencker, M., Aube, F., Modolo, L., Jouravleva, K., Auboeuf, D., Moore, M. J., Ricci, E. P.
10. Systematic identification and characterization of exon-intron circRNAs [RESEARCH] Zhong, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, X., Ren, B., Wang, X., Shan, G., Chen, L.
11. Inference of selective forces on house mouse genomes during secondary contact in East Asia [RESEARCH] Fujiwara, K., Kubo, S., Endo, T., Takada, T., Shiroishi, T., Suzuki, H., Osada, N.
12. A systematic review on the biochemical threshold of mitochondrial genetic variants [REVIEW] Smith, K. K., Moreira, J. D., Wilson, C. R., Padera, J. O., Lamason, A. N., Xue, L., Gopal, D. M., Flynn, D. B., Fetterman, J. L.
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2024-04-26 Corrigendum: A statistical learning method for simultaneous copy number estimation and subclone clustering with single-cell sequencing data [CORRIGENDUM] Qin, F., Cai, G., Amos, C. I., Xiao, F.
2024-04-26 Systematic mapping of TF-mediated cell fate changes by a pooled induction coupled with scRNA-seq and multi-omics approaches [METHODS] Lee, M., Guo, Q., Kim, M., Choi, J., Segura, A., Genceroglu, A., LeBlanc, L., Ramirez, N., Jang, Y. J., Jang, Y., Lee, B.-K., Marcotte, E. M., Kim, J.
2024-04-26 The genome of the colonial hydroid Hydractinia reveals that their stem cells use a toolkit of evolutionarily shared genes with all animals [RESOURCES] Schnitzler, C. E., Chang, E. S., Waletich, J., Quiroga-Artigas, G., Wong, W. Y., Nguyen, A.-D., Barreira, S. N., Doonan, L. B., Gonzalez, P., Koren, S., Gahan, J. M., Sanders, S. M., Bradshaw, B., DuBuc, T. Q., Febrimarsa, , de Jong, D., Nawrocki, E. P.,
2024-04-26 Phased nanopore assembly with Shasta and modular graph phasing with GFAse [METHODS] Lorig-Roach, R., Meredith, M., Monlong, J., Jain, M., Olsen, H. E., McNulty, B., Porubsky, D., Montague, T. G., Lucas, J. K., Condon, C., Eizenga, J. M., Juul, S., McKenzie, S. K., Simmonds, S. E., Park, J., Asri, M., Koren, S., Eichler, E. E., Axel, R.,
2024-04-26 Robust chromatin state annotation [METHODS] Foroozandeh Shahraki, M., Farahbod, M., Libbrecht, M. W.
2024-04-26 Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonic Oikopleura dioica cryptic species [RESEARCH] Plessy, C., Mansfield, M. J., Bliznina, A., Masunaga, A., West, C., Tan, Y., Liu, A. W., Grasic, J., del Rio Pisula, M. S., Sanchez-Serna, G., Fabrega-Torrus, M., Ferrandez-Roldan, A., Roncalli, V., Navratilova, P., Thompson, E. M., Onuma, T., Nishida, H.
2024-04-26 Ancestral aneuploidy and stable chromosomal duplication resulting in differential genome structure and gene expression control in trypanosomatid parasites [RESEARCH] Reis-Cunha, J. L., Pimenta-Carvalho, S. A., Almeida, L. V., Coqueiro-dos-Santos, A., Marques, C. A., Black, J. A., Damasceno, J., McCulloch, R., Bartholomeu, D. C., Jeffares, D. C.
2024-04-26 Experimentally evolving Drosophila erecta populations may fail to establish an effective piRNA-based host defense against invading P-elements [RESEARCH] Selvaraju, D., Wierzbicki, F., Kofler, R.
2024-04-26 Translation-dependent and -independent mRNA decay occur through mutually exclusive pathways defined by ribosome density during T cell activation [RESEARCH] Mercier, B. C., Labaronne, E., Cluet, D., Guiguettaz, L., Fontrodona, N., Bicknell, A., Corbin, A., Wencker, M., Aube, F., Modolo, L., Jouravleva, K., Auboeuf, D., Moore, M. J., Ricci, E. P.
2024-04-26 Systematic identification and characterization of exon-intron circRNAs [RESEARCH] Zhong, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, X., Ren, B., Wang, X., Shan, G., Chen, L.
2024-04-26 Inference of selective forces on house mouse genomes during secondary contact in East Asia [RESEARCH] Fujiwara, K., Kubo, S., Endo, T., Takada, T., Shiroishi, T., Suzuki, H., Osada, N.
2024-04-26 A systematic review on the biochemical threshold of mitochondrial genetic variants [REVIEW] Smith, K. K., Moreira, J. D., Wilson, C. R., Padera, J. O., Lamason, A. N., Xue, L., Gopal, D. M., Flynn, D. B., Fetterman, J. L.
2023-08-25 Efficient minimizer orders for large values of k using minimum decycling sets [METHODS] Pellow, D., Pu, L., Ekim, B., Kotlar, L., Berger, B., Shamir, R., Orenstein, Y.
2023-08-25 Unsupervised contrastive peak caller for ATAC-seq [METHODS] Vu, H. T. H., Zhang, Y., Tuteja, G., Dorman, K. S.
2023-08-25 Leveraging protein language models for accurate multiple sequence alignments [METHODS] McWhite, C. D., Armour-Garb, I., Singh, M.
2023-08-25 Fast inference of genetic recombination rates in biobank scale data [METHODS] Naseri, A., Yue, W., Zhang, S., Zhi, D.
2023-08-25 Partial alignment of multislice spatially resolved transcriptomics data [METHODS] Liu, X., Zeira, R., Raphael, B. J.
2023-08-25 Efficient mapping of accurate long reads in minimizer space with mapquik [METHODS] Ekim, B., Sahlin, K., Medvedev, P., Berger, B., Chikhi, R.
2023-08-25 Aligning distant sequences to graphs using long seed sketches [METHODS] Joudaki, A., Meterez, A., Mustafa, H., Groot Koerkamp, R., Kahles, A., Rätsch, G.
2023-08-25 Efficient taxa identification using a pangenome index [METHODS] Ahmed, O., Rossi, M., Boucher, C., Langmead, B.
2023-08-25 Modeling and predicting cancer clonal evolution with reinforcement learning [METHODS] Ivanovic, S., El-Kebir, M.
2023-08-25 A fast and scalable method for inferring phylogenetic networks from trees by aligning lineage taxon strings [METHODS] Zhang, L., Abhari, N., Colijn, C., Wu, Y.
2023-08-25 Deriving confidence intervals for mutation rates across a wide range of evolutionary distances using FracMinHash [METHODS] Rahman Hera, M., Pierce-Ward, N. T., Koslicki, D.
2023-08-25 Improving quartet graph construction for scalable and accurate species tree estimation from gene trees [METHODS] Han, Y., Molloy, E. K.
2023-08-25 Leveraging family data to design Mendelian randomization that is provably robust to population stratification [METHODS] LaPierre, N., Fu, B., Turnbull, S., Eskin, E., Sankararaman, S.
2023-08-25 Ultrafast genome-wide inference of pairwise coalescence times [METHODS] Schweiger, R., Durbin, R.
2023-08-25 Entropy predicts sensitivity of pseudorandom seeds [METHODS] Maier, B. D., Sahlin, K.
2023-08-25 Single-cell methylation sequencing data reveal succinct metastatic migration histories and tumor progression models [METHODS] Liu, Y., Li, X. C., Rashidi Mehrabadi, F., Schäffer, A. A., Pratt, D., Crawford, D. R., Malikic, S., Molloy, E. K., Gopalan, V., Mount, S. M., Ruppin, E., Aldape, K. D., Sahinalp, S. C.
2023-08-25 Proving sequence aligners can guarantee accuracy in almost O(m log n) time through an average-case analysis of the seed-chain-extend heuristic [METHODS] Shaw, J., Yu, Y. W.
2023-08-25 Assessing transcriptomic reidentification risks using discriminative sequence models [METHODS] Sadhuka, S., Fridman, D., Berger, B., Cho, H.
2023-08-25 Extremely fast construction and querying of compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs with GGCAT [METHODS] Cracco, A., Tomescu, A. I.
2023-08-25 Enabling tradeoffs in privacy and utility in genomic data Beacons and summary statistics [METHODS] Venkatesaramani, R., Wan, Z., Malin, B. A., Vorobeychik, Y.
2023-08-25 Genomic sketching with multiplicities and locality-sensitive hashing using Dashing 2 [METHODS] Baker, D. N., Langmead, B.
2023-08-25 Minimal positional substring cover is a haplotype threading alternative to Li and Stephens model [METHODS] Sanaullah, A., Zhi, D., Zhang, S.
2023-07-21 Discordant calls across genotype discovery approaches elucidate variants with systematic errors [RESOURCES] Atkinson, E. G., Artomov, M., Loboda, A. A., Rehm, H. L., MacArthur, D. G., Karczewski, K. J., Neale, B. M., Daly, M. J.
2023-07-21 Inferring and comparing metabolism across heterogeneous sets of annotated genomes using AuCoMe [METHODS] Belcour, A., Got, J., Aite, M., Delage, L., Collen, J., Frioux, C., Leblanc, C., Dittami, S. M., Blanquart, S., Markov, G. V., Siegel, A.
2023-07-21 Genealogical inference and more flexible sequence clustering using iterative-PopPUNK [METHODS] Zhao, B., Lees, J. A., Wu, H., Yang, C., Falush, D.
2023-07-21 Genome skimming with nanopore sequencing precisely determines global and transposon DNA methylation in vertebrates [METHODS] Faulk, C.
2023-07-21 Large-scale detection and characterization of interchromosomal rearrangements in normozoospermic bulls using massive genotype and phenotype data sets [METHODS] Jourdain, J., Barasc, H., Faraut, T., Calgaro, A., Bonnet, N., Marcuzzo, C., Suin, A., Barbat, A., Hoze, C., Besnard, F., Taussat, S., Grohs, C., Kuchly, C., Iampietro, C., Donnadieu, C., Pinton, A., Boichard, D., Capitan, A.
2023-07-21 Efficient and accurate KIR and HLA genotyping with massively parallel sequencing data [METHODS] Song, L., Bai, G., Liu, X. S., Li, B., Li, H.
2023-07-21 Debiased personalized gene coexpression networks for population-scale scRNA-seq data [METHODS] Lu, S., Keles, S.
2023-07-21 Accurate sequencing of DNA motifs able to form alternative (non-B) structures [METHODS] Weissensteiner, M. H., Cremona, M. A., Guiblet, W. M., Stoler, N., Harris, R. S., Cechova, M., Eckert, K. A., Chiaromonte, F., Huang, Y.-F., Makova, K. D.
2023-07-21 Integration site-dependent HIV-1 promoter activity shapes host chromatin conformation [RESEARCH] Collora, J. A., Ho, Y.-C.
2023-07-21 Population genomics reveals mechanisms and dynamics of de novo expressed open reading frame emergence in Drosophila melanogaster [RESEARCH] Grandchamp, A., Kühl, L., Lebherz, M., Brüggemann, K., Parsch, J., Bornberg-Bauer, E.
2023-07-21 Variation in histone configurations correlates with gene expression across nine inbred strains of mice [RESEARCH] Tyler, A. L., Spruce, C., Kursawe, R., Haber, A., Ball, R. L., Pitman, W. A., Fine, A. D., Raghupathy, N., Walker, M., Philip, V. M., Baker, C. L., Mahoney, J. M., Churchill, G. A., Trowbridge, J. J., Stitzel, M. L., Paigen, K., Petkov, P. M., Carter, G.
2023-07-21 Genetic control of the dynamic transcriptional response to immune stimuli and glucocorticoids at single-cell resolution [RESEARCH] Resztak, J. A., Wei, J., Zilioli, S., Sendler, E., Alazizi, A., Mair-Meijers, H. E., Wu, P., Wen, X., Slatcher, R. B., Zhou, X., Luca, F., Pique-Regi, R.
2023-06-17 Corrigendum: Chromatin structure influences rate and spectrum of spontaneous mutations in Neurospora crassa [CORRIGENDUM] Villalba de la Pena, M., Summanen, P. A. M., Liukkonen, M., Kronholm, I.
2023-06-17 The fine-scale recombination rate variation and associations with genomic features in a butterfly [RESOURCES] Palahi i Torres, A., Höök, L., Näsvall, K., Shipilina, D., Wiklund, C., Vila, R., Pruisscher, P., Backström, N.
2023-06-17 Comparing genomic and epigenomic features across species using the WashU Comparative Epigenome Browser [RESOURCES] Zhuo, X., Hsu, S., Purushotham, D., Kuntala, P. K., Harrison, J. K., Du, A. Y., Chen, S., Li, D., Wang, T.
2023-06-17 CRISPR-Cas9-based repeat depletion for high-throughput genotyping of complex plant genomes [METHODS] Rossato, M., Marcolungo, L., De Antoni, L., Lopatriello, G., Bellucci, E., Cortinovis, G., Frascarelli, G., Nanni, L., Bitocchi, E., Di Vittori, V., Vincenzi, L., Lucchini, F., Bett, K. E., Ramsay, L., Konkin, D. J., Delledonne, M., Papa, R.
2023-06-17 Genome-scale targeted mutagenesis in Brassica napus using a pooled CRISPR library [RESOURCES] He, J., Zhang, K., Yan, S., Tang, M., Zhou, W., Yin, Y., Chen, K., Zhang, C., Li, M.
2023-06-17 Characterizing the targets of transcription regulators by aggregating ChIP-seq and perturbation expression data sets [METHODS] Morin, A., Chu, E. C.-P., Sharma, A., Adrian-Hamazaki, A., Pavlidis, P.
2023-06-17 Targeted, programmable, and precise tandem duplication in the mammalian genome [METHODS] Jiao, Y., Li, M., He, X., Wang, Y., Song, J., Hu, Y., Li, L., Zhou, L., Jiang, L., Qu, J., Xie, L., Chen, Q., Yao, S.
2023-06-17 Multiplexed long-read plasmid validation and analysis using OnRamp [METHODS] Mumm, C., Drexel, M. L., McDonald, T. L., Diehl, A. G., Switzenberg, J. A., Boyle, A. P.
2023-06-17 Accurate integration of multiple heterogeneous single-cell RNA-seq data sets by learning contrastive biological variation [METHODS] Zhou, Y., Sheng, Q., Qi, J., Hua, J., Yang, B., Wan, L., Jin, S.
2023-06-17 Highly complete long-read genomes reveal pangenomic variation underlying yeast phenotypic diversity [RESEARCH] Weller, C. A., Andreev, I., Chambers, M. J., Park, M., NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Bloom, J. S., Sadhu, M. J., Barnabas, Black, Bouffard, Brooks, Crawford, Marfani, Dekhtyar, Han, Ho, Legaspi, Maduro, Masiello, McDowell, Montemayor, Mullikin, Par
2023-06-17 Plant polymerase IV sensitizes chromatin through histone modifications to preclude spread of silencing into protein-coding domains [RESEARCH] Hari Sundar G, V., Swetha, C., Basu, D., Pachamuthu, K., Raju, S., Chakraborty, T., Mosher, R. A., Shivaprasad, P. V.
2023-06-17 Genomic insights into metabolic flux in hummingbirds [RESEARCH] Gershman, A., Hauck, Q., Dick, M., Jamison, J. M., Tassia, M., Agirrezabala, X., Muhammad, S., Ali, R., Workman, R. E., Valle, M., Wong, G. W., Welch, K. C., Timp, W.
2023-06-17 A novel quantitative trait locus implicates Msh3 in the propensity for genome-wide short tandem repeat expansions in mice [RESEARCH] Maksimov, M. O., Wu, C., Ashbrook, D. G., Villani, F., Colonna, V., Mousavi, N., Ma, N., Lu, L., Pritchard, J. K., Goren, A., Williams, R. W., Palmer, A. A., Gymrek, M.
2023-06-17 Dynamic modulation of genomic enhancer elements in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the site of the mammalian circadian clock [RESEARCH] Bafna, A., Banks, G., Hastings, M. H., Nolan, P. M.
2023-05-16 A single-cell transcriptome atlas of the maturing zebrafish telencephalon [RESOURCES] Pandey, S., Moyer, A. J., Thyme, S. B.
2023-05-16 Inferring the mode and strength of ongoing selection [METHODS] Barroso, G. V., Lohmueller, K. E.
2023-05-16 Accurate transcriptome-wide identification and quantification of alternative polyadenylation from RNA-seq data with APAIQ [METHODS] Long, Y., Zhang, B., Tian, S., Chan, J. J., Zhou, J., Li, Z., Li, Y., An, Z., Liao, X., Wang, Y., Sun, S., Xu, Y., Tay, Y., Chen, W., Gao, X.
2023-05-16 Genome enrichment of rare and unknown species from complicated microbiomes by nanopore selective sequencing [METHODS] Sun, Y., Cheng, Z., Li, X., Yang, Q., Zhao, B., Wu, Z., Xia, Y.
2023-05-16 Density separation of petrous bone powders for optimized ancient DNA yields [METHODS] Fernandes, D. M., Sirak, K. A., Cheronet, O., Novak, M., Brück, F., Zelger, E., Llanos-Lizcano, A., Wagner, A., Zettl, A., Mandl, K., Duffet Carlson, K. S., Oberreiter, V., Özdogan, K. T., Sawyer, S., La Pastina, F., Borgia, E., Co
2023-05-16 Variation in mutation, recombination, and transposition rates in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans [RESEARCH] Wang, Y., McNeil, P., Abdulazeez, R., Pascual, M., Johnston, S. E., Keightley, P. D., Obbard, D. J.
2023-05-16 Chromatin structure influences rate and spectrum of spontaneous mutations in Neurospora crassa [RESEARCH] Villalba de la Pena, M., Summanen, P. A. M., Liukkonen, M., Kronholm, I.
2023-05-16 Incomplete erasure of histone marks during epigenetic reprogramming in medaka early development [RESEARCH] Fukushima, H. S., Takeda, H., Nakamura, R.
2023-05-16 High resolution genomes of multiple Xiphophorus species provide new insights into microevolution, hybrid incompatibility, and epistasis [RESEARCH] Lu, Y., Rice, E., Du, K., Kneitz, S., Naville, M., Dechaud, C., Volff, J.-N., Boswell, M., Boswell, W., Hillier, L., Tomlinson, C., Milin, K., Walter, R. B., Schartl, M., Warren, W. C.
2023-05-16 MYT1L is required for suppressing earlier neuronal development programs in the adult mouse brain [RESEARCH] Chen, J., Fuhler, N. A., Noguchi, K. K., Dougherty, J. D.
2023-05-16 Motif conservation, stability, and host gene expression are the main drivers of snoRNA expression across vertebrates [RESEARCH] Fafard-Couture, E., Jacques, P.-E., Scott, M. S.
2023-05-16 The motif composition of variable number tandem repeats impacts gene expression [RESEARCH] Lu, T.-Y., Smaruj, P. N., Fudenberg, G., Mancuso, N., Chaisson, M. J. P.
2023-05-16 Gaps and complex structurally variant loci in phased genome assemblies [RESEARCH] Porubsky, D., Vollger, M. R., Harvey, W. T., Rozanski, A. N., Ebert, P., Hickey, G., Hasenfeld, P., Sanders, A. D., Stober, C., Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, Korbel, J. O., Paten, B., Marschall, T., Eichler, E. E., Abel, Antonacci-Fulton, Asri, Ba
2023-05-16 Challenges and considerations for reproducibility of STARR-seq assays [PERSPECTIVE] Das, M., Hossain, A., Banerjee, D., Praul, C. A., Girirajan, S.
2023-04-04 Complete sequencing of a cynomolgus macaque major histocompatibility complex haplotype [RESOURCES] Karl, J. A., Prall, T. M., Bussan, H. E., Varghese, J. M., Pal, A., Wiseman, R. W., O'Connor, D. H.
2023-04-04 A sheep pangenome reveals the spectrum of structural variations and their effects on tail phenotypes [RESOURCES] Li, R., Gong, M., Zhang, X., Wang, F., Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Yang, Q., Xu, Y., Xu, M., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Dai, X., Gao, Y., Zhang, Z., Fang, W., Yang, Y., Fu, W., Cao, C., Yang, P., Ghanatsaman, Z. A., Negari, N. J., Nanaei, H. A., Yue, X., Song, Y., Lan
2023-04-04 Evaluation of N6-methyldeoxyadenosine antibody-based genomic profiling in eukaryotes [METHODS] Debo, B. M., Mallory, B. J., Stergachis, A. B.
2023-04-04 Genome-wide identification of tandem repeats associated with splicing variation across 49 tissues in humans [RESOURCES] Hamanaka, K., Yamauchi, D., Koshimizu, E., Watase, K., Mogushi, K., Ishikawa, K., Mizusawa, H., Tsuchida, N., Uchiyama, Y., Fujita, A., Misawa, K., Mizuguchi, T., Miyatake, S., Matsumoto, N.
2023-04-04 Tn5 tagments and transposes oligos to single-stranded DNA for strand-specific RNA sequencing [METHODS] Zhang, Y., Tang, Y., Sun, Z., Jia, J., Fang, Y., Wan, X., Fang, D.
2023-04-04 Simultaneous profiling of host expression and microbial abundance by spatial metatranscriptome sequencing [METHODS] Lyu, L., Li, X., Feng, R., Zhou, X., Guha, T. K., Yu, X., Chen, G. Q., Yao, Y., Su, B., Zou, D., Snyder, M. P., Chen, L.
2023-04-04 SWATH-MS-based proteogenomic analysis reveals the involvement of alternative splicing in poplar upon lead stress [RESEARCH] Zhu, F.-Y., Chen, X., Song, Y.-C., Lam, L. P. Y., Tobimatsu, Y., Gao, B., Chen, M.-X., Cao, F.-L.
2023-04-04 Defining the separation landscape of topological domains for decoding consensus domain organization of the 3D genome [METHODS] Dang, D., Zhang, S.-W., Duan, R., Zhang, S.
2023-04-04 Large haplotypes highlight a complex age structure within the maize pan-genome [RESEARCH] Liu, J., Dawe, R. K.
2023-04-04 Enhancers display constrained sequence flexibility and context-specific modulation of motif function [RESEARCH] Reiter, F., de Almeida, B. P., Stark, A.
2023-04-04 The impact of SWI/SNF and NuRD inactivation on gene expression is tightly coupled with levels of RNA polymerase II occupancy at promoters [RESEARCH] Pundhir, S., Su, J., Tapia, M., Hansen, A. M., Haile, J. S., Hansen, K., Porse, B. T.
2023-04-04 Kinetic networks identify TWIST2 as a key regulatory node in adipogenesis [RESEARCH] Dutta, A. B., Lank, D. S., Przanowska, R. K., Przanowski, P., Wang, L., Nguyen, B., Walavalkar, N. M., Duarte, F. M., Guertin, M. J.
2023-04-04 Global loss of cellular m6A RNA methylation following infection with different SARS-CoV-2 variants [RESEARCH] Vaid, R., Mendez, A., Thombare, K., Burgos-Panadero, R., Robinot, R., Fonseca, B. F., Gandasi, N. R., Ringlander, J., Hassan Baig, M., Dong, J.-J., Cho, J. Y., Reinius, B., Chakrabarti, L. A., Nystrom, K., Mondal, T.
2023-03-04 A chromosome-scale epigenetic map of the Hydra genome reveals conserved regulators of cell state [RESOURCES] Cazet, J. F., Siebert, S., Little, H. M., Bertemes, P., Primack, A. S., Ladurner, P., Achrainer, M., Fredriksen, M. T., Moreland, R. T., Singh, S., Zhang, S., Wolfsberg, T. G., Schnitzler, C. E., Baxevanis, A. D., Simakov, O., Hobmayer, B., Juliano, C. E.
2023-03-04 The Planemo toolkit for developing, deploying, and executing scientific data analyses in Galaxy and beyond [RESOURCES] Bray, S., Chilton, J., Bernt, M., Soranzo, N., van den Beek, M., Batut, B., Rasche, H., Cech, M., Cock, P. J. A., Grüning, B., Nekrutenko, A.
2023-03-04 A temporal in vivo catalog of chromatin accessibility and expression profiles in pineoblastoma reveals a prevalent role for repressor elements [RESOURCES] Idriss, S., Hallal, M., El-Kurdi, A., Zalzali, H., El-Rassi, I., Ehli, E. A., Davis, C. M., Chung, P. E. D., Gendoo, D. M. A., Zacksenhaus, E., Saab, R., Khoueiry, P.
2023-03-04 Complex hierarchical structures in single-cell genomics data unveiled by deep hyperbolic manifold learning [METHODS] Tian, T., Zhong, C., Lin, X., Wei, Z., Hakonarson, H.
2023-03-04 Characterization of network hierarchy reflects cell state specificity in genome organization [METHODS] Wang, J., Xue, Y., He, Y., Quan, H., Zhang, J., Gao, Y. Q.
2023-03-04 Matching queried single-cell open-chromatin profiles to large pools of single-cell transcriptomes and epigenomes for reference supported analysis [METHODS] Mishra, S., Pandey, N., Chawla, S., Sharma, M., Chandra, O., Jha, I. P., SenGupta, D., Natarajan, K. N., Kumar, V.
2023-03-04 Atlas-scale single-cell chromatin accessibility using nanowell-based combinatorial indexing [METHODS] O'Connell, B. L., Nichols, R. V., Pokholok, D., Thomas, J., Acharya, S. N., Nishida, A., Thornton, C. A., Co, M., Fields, A. J., Steemers, F. J., Adey, A. C.
2023-03-04 Regulation of endogenous retrovirus-derived regulatory elements by GATA2/3 and MSX2 in human trophoblast stem cells [RESEARCH] Du, C., Jiang, J., Li, Y., Yu, M., Jin, J., Chen, S., Fan, H., Macfarlan, T. S., Cao, B., Sun, M.-a.
2023-03-04 Genome-wide evaluation of the effect of short tandem repeat variation on local DNA methylation [RESEARCH] Martin-Trujillo, A., Garg, P., Patel, N., Jadhav, B., Sharp, A. J.
2023-03-04 The aberrant epigenome of DNMT3B-mutated ICF1 patient iPSCs is amenable to correction, with the exception of a subset of regions with H3K4me3- and/or CTCF-based epigenetic memory [RESEARCH] Poondi Krishnan, V., Morone, B., Toubiana, S., Krzak, M., Fioriniello, S., Della Ragione, F., Strazzullo, M., Angelini, C., Selig, S., Matarazzo, M. R.
2023-02-02 Genome sequencing of C. elegans balancer strains reveals previously unappreciated complex genomic rearrangements [RESOURCES] Maroilley, T., Flibotte, S., Jean, F., Rodrigues Alves Barbosa, V., Galbraith, A., Chida, A. R., Cotra, F., Li, X., Oncea, L., Edgley, M., Moerman, D., Tarailo-Graovac, M.
2023-02-02 Robust analysis of prokaryotic pangenome gene gain and loss rates with Panstripe [METHOD] Tonkin-Hill, G., Gladstone, R. A., Pöntinen, A. K., Arredondo-Alonso, S., Bentley, S. D., Corander, J.
2023-02-02 Dynamic regulation of gonadal transposon control across the lifespan of the naturally short-lived African turquoise killifish [RESOURCES] Teefy, B. B., Adler, A., Xu, A., Hsu, K., Singh, P. P., Benayoun, B. A.

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