DoomsDay Vault - Articles


更新于 46 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2020-12-17 That loyal MySQL is a rogue one: a tale of a (partially) failed idea
2020-12-17 GetEnvironmentVariable as an alternative to WriteProcessMemory in process injections
2020-12-17 From memory corruption to disable_functions bypass: understanding PHP exploits
2020-12-17 Tunneling traffic through MySQL service (or your mysqld is my new SOCKS5)
2020-12-17 Isolating the logic of an encrypted protocol with LIEF and kaitai
2020-12-17 CSS Injection Primitives
2020-12-17 Remote Code Execution in Aruba Mobility Controller (ArubaOS) - CVE-2018-7081
2020-12-17 Stealthier communications & Port Knocking via Windows Filtering Platform (WFP)
2020-12-17 Rethinking the inotify API as an offensive helper
2020-12-17 Searching systematically for PHP disable_functions bypasses
2020-12-17 Building simple DNS endpoints for exfiltration or C&C
2020-12-17 Writeup Navaja Negra 2018 CTF
2020-12-17 Vulnerability in Swoole PHP extension [CVE-2018-15503]
2020-12-17 Improving PHP extensions as a persistence method
2020-12-17 Hacking a game to learn FRIDA basics (Pwn Adventure 3)
2020-12-17 Beyond pty.spawn - use pseudoterminals in your reverse shells (DNScat2 example)
2020-12-17 Defeating WordPress Security Plugins (Revisited)
2020-12-17 Parasiting web server process with webshells in permissive environments
2020-12-17 JavaScript AntiDebugging Tricks bladelessninja2
2020-12-17 Writeup (CTF) - ImpelDown CodeGate PreQuals 2018 (MISC)
2020-12-17 Loading "fileless" Shared Objects (memfd_create + dlopen)
2020-12-17 Exfiltrating credentials via PAM backdoors & DNS requests aburan28

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