ADGuider ‧ 热门广告营销案例


1. 京润珍珠母亲节:看看这届珍蚌妈妈有多棒 京润珍珠
2. 腾讯视频喜剧综艺厂牌:搞笑?那不如让大家来找笑! 腾讯视频
3. 爱乐维40周年献映母亲节:妈妈是第一个挺你的人 爱乐维
4. Mother's Day TATA
5. 耐高:没点脾气,这球打得还有什么意思 Nike
6. iQOO×天美工作室,《重生之我在宿舍当爸爸》特爆上线 VIVO
7. Columbia哥伦比亚户外广告:自然会把大人变成小孩 Columbia
8. 多邻国推出音乐剧《冰上多邻国》,催命式劝学魔性上头 多邻国
9. HP - We wanna show you some cool things ???? #MiamiGP ???????? #F1 #CharlesLeclerc #CarlosSainz HP
10. Mother and daughter 雅培
11. The Most Important Ingredient is You Clif Bar
12. 户外品牌二普纬度最新纪录片,探访哈萨克牧民的生活 二普纬度
13. A passión that speaks for itself BetPlay
14. 杰士邦 - #母亲节# #母亲节快乐# 杰士邦
15. 东方航空 - 东航带你打卡博物馆 东方航空
16. Top Time B01 Breitling,Triumph
17. 吉利汽车 - 吉利跟你说早安 吉利汽车
18. 星巴克 - 今日宜告白To我们最爱的女孩#母亲节快乐#... 星巴克
19. 优衣库 - 优衣库母亲节 优衣库
20. 春雨医生 - 祝白衣天使们 节日快乐 春雨医生
21. 重生之我在霸总短剧送外卖 饿了么
22. LV - Women’s Sunglasses 2024. Embellished with emblematic detailing, the sleek LV Split Cat Eye sunglasses reflect a bold contem LV
23. 大自然,藏着宝 小红书
24. LV - The Tambour watch. Revealing an elegant yellow gold case and a textured white dial, the Maison’s signature timepiece is rei LV
25. The Warden, Busted Tango
26. If you read, so will your kids Government of Québec
27. Heroes' Belated Graduation Binggrae
28. LV - The Tambour watch. In an enduring quest for excellence, the timepiece is equipped with the meticulously crafted caliber LFT LV
29. LV - Attrape-Rêves. Inspired by the euphoria sparked upon a transcendant experience, Master Perfumer Jacques Cavallier Belletrud LV
30. LV - The Tambour watch. Re-envisioned with a contemporary flair in an ode to the Maison’s history of watchmaking, the iconic Lou LV
31. 台湾必胜客:你回家的那一天,就是母亲节 必胜客
32. Aussie Lamb Meat Tray Domino's,Meat and Livestock Australia
33. 小米:一起去春天里遛遛自己 小米
34. Find Your Friends 苹果公司
35. Lincoln Gallery Lincoln Cincuentenario
36. 加拿大宜家:看图找不同,结果大跌眼镜! 宜家
37. 海马体:一封写给母亲的影像情书 HIMO 海马体
38. Embrace Serenity, Find Joy! SWITCH
39. Put AI To Work For People ServiceNow
40. Tiendita 1800 Tequila
41. 华颂出品 | 人民日报文创 x 中国传统色郭浩x冠珠韶华之『南山芦花』 冠珠
42. Life is a Journey Golden 1
43. 可口可乐定格相聚的美好 可口可乐
44. Fire burning love 汉堡王
45. 星巴克联名QQ黄脸,开启夏日好心情 星巴克
46. 迪桑特与吴彦祖,拍了一组“破风”大片 DESCENTE迪桑特
47. iPad Pro:压它! 苹果公司
48. 这些立足于品牌资产的创意,想学都学不来丨灵感库 亨氏
49. We can have our meat and eat it, too Impossible Foods
50. 古驰520短片,满屏的暧昧气息 Gucci
51. The Bald Thru Burger King Brazil
52. Lights Sharp Dentistry
53. El Carro Ford 福特
54. WoMen's Football (case study) Orange
55. Upscale Every Moment 三星
56. 在景点前放广告牌,好烦人,用三星Galaxy一键消除 三星
57. 瑞幸×芝麻街:一口开启缤纷夏日 瑞幸咖啡
58. 找不同,速度越快你越穷(不是丨一周创意速览 宜家
59. Glycholic Bright Product Launch 欧莱雅
60. Lacoste巨型艺术装置:鳄鱼嘴里摆造型 Lacoste 鳄鱼
61. Reusable Ads City Lodge Hotels
62. Lemon here, Pulco everywhere Pulco
63. Champions of Portugal BetClic,Liga Portugal
65. Vive a Todo Sabor Pollo Campero
66. LV奥运会宣传片:登上法国之巅 LV
67. 优衣库:这丝滑的平角底裤,连渔网都兜不住! 优衣库
68. 快克谷雨微电影:仓颉穿越到现代都市 快克
69. 美图与时代少年团:什么?我粉的这两个团居然合体了? 美团
70. "Aunt" to "Mom" Almacenes Tía
71. 听说在奶茶上长出一对小耳朵,这个假期就会多出一点甜 美团外卖
72. B站青年节《大魔术师》:揭秘这场愚弄人心的把戏 bilibili
73. Don’t make a fuss. So Delicious Dairy Free Wondermilk
74. Target Your Hunger 亨氏
75. Hold my Hydroboost Essentia Water
76. Dior - 迪奥倾情呈献520挚爱甄礼... Dior
77. 美团买药无痒运动:越简单,越有效 美团
78. 欧莱雅 - 欧莱雅母亲节礼盒 欧莱雅
79. 春雨医生 - #立夏# 春雨医生
80. OPPO - 关注 + 转评,抽 1 位送 OPPO Enco Air2 OPPO
81. 美团外卖 - 美团外卖五一手机价格直降 美团外卖
82. Switch《迪士尼:梦幻星谷》惊险篇和刺激篇更新预告片 迪士尼
83. Dior - 迪奥倾情呈献520挚爱甄礼... Dior
84. 欧舒丹 - 欧舒丹沐浴露 欧舒丹
86. 谷歌世界地球日:六大洲的山川湖泊,拼凑熟悉的一幕 Google
87. A Marvellous Machine Stockholm Exergi
88. 多邻国推出音乐剧《冰上多邻国》,催命式劝学魔性上头 多邻国
89. The #TheHealthyKind Movement Pathkind Labs
91. Edge Santander
92. SACA Golden Dragons SACA
93. Indulgent Cloetta
94. Style Battle Krys
95. The Beast Sumsub
96. 2024 Ford F-150 - Lightning 福特
97. PEThletes 迪卡侬
98. 顺丰速运:无论你身在何处,都能把春天带给你 顺丰
99. Welcome to Beyond Mercedes Benz USA
100. For those who move the world 巴黎银行
更新于 9 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

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2024-05-13 优衣库:这丝滑的平角底裤,连渔网都兜不住! 优衣库
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2024-05-13 多邻国推出音乐剧《冰上多邻国》,催命式劝学魔性上头 多邻国
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2024-05-13 iQOO×天美工作室,《重生之我在宿舍当爸爸》特爆上线 VIVO
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2024-05-13 HP - Looking back on the unforgettable live event where HP and @scuderiaferrari unveiled the Miami special edition livery. ???? A c HP
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2024-05-13 HP - Seeing the new livery firsthand ???? ???? #MiamiGP #F1 #CharlesLeclerc #CarlosSainz HP
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2024-05-13 HP - We wanna show you some cool things ???? #MiamiGP ???????? #F1 #CharlesLeclerc #CarlosSainz HP
2024-05-13 HP - In it together ????????#CharlesLeclerc #F1 #MiamiGP HP
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2024-05-13 优衣库 - 优衣库母亲节 优衣库
2024-05-13 星巴克 - 今日宜告白To我们最爱的女孩#母亲节快乐#... 星巴克
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2024-05-13 Mother's Day TATA
2024-05-13 东方航空 - 东航带你打卡博物馆 东方航空
2024-05-13 吉利汽车 - 吉利跟你说早安 吉利汽车
2024-05-13 杰士邦 - #母亲节# #母亲节快乐# 杰士邦
2024-05-13 春雨医生 - 祝白衣天使们 节日快乐 春雨医生
2024-05-12 户外品牌二普纬度最新纪录片,探访哈萨克牧民的生活 二普纬度
2024-05-12 Top Time B01 Breitling,Triumph
2024-05-12 The Most Important Ingredient is You Clif Bar
2024-05-12 A passión that speaks for itself BetPlay
2024-05-11 饿了么「周四这杯我请」:上海职场人自己的疯四 饿了么
2024-05-11 412家庭维修节创意视频-《快好省,不等待》 啄木鸟
2024-05-11 LV - Attrape-Rêves. An invitation to embark on the courageous voyage that brings audacious dreams to life, the Maison’s Master P LV
2024-05-11 京东家电家居5折天驾到 京东
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2024-05-11 没有大众,就没有大众汽车 大众
2024-05-11 LV - Attrape-Rêves. Inspired by the euphoria sparked upon a transcendant experience, Master Perfumer Jacques Cavallier Belletrud LV
2024-05-11 LV - Women’s Sunglasses 2024. Evoking the Maison’s adventurous spirit of travel, this season’s audacious eyewear collection dazz LV
2024-05-11 LV - The Tambour watch. Captured in a striking campaign featuring House Ambassador Bradley Cooper, the latest iteration of the e LV
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2024-05-11 LV - The Tambour watch. Revealing an elegant yellow gold case and a textured white dial, the Maison’s signature timepiece is rei LV
2024-05-11 LV - The Tambour watch. Re-envisioned with a contemporary flair in an ode to the Maison’s history of watchmaking, the iconic Lou LV
2024-05-11 LV - Women’s Sunglasses 2024. Embellished with emblematic detailing, the sleek LV Split Cat Eye sunglasses reflect a bold contem LV
2024-05-11 LV - The Tambour watch. Personified by House Ambassador Bradley Cooper, this iconic, unisex timepiece is distinguished by Louis LV
2024-05-11 LV - The Tambour watch. In an enduring quest for excellence, the timepiece is equipped with the meticulously crafted caliber LFT LV
2024-05-11 Tell Your GP Instead Bowel Cancer UK
2024-05-11 LV - The Tambour watch. Exuding an aura of refinement, the yellow gold Tambour interacts with the light to reveal textures and d LV
2024-05-11 LV - Women’s Sunglasses 2024. Unveiled at the Women’s Spring-Summer 2024 Show, the striking LV Split Cat Eye frames are imbued w LV
2024-05-11 Heroes' Belated Graduation Binggrae
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2024-05-10 台湾旅游局发布全新标识,邀你探索无尽奇观 台湾旅游局
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2024-05-10 在景点前放广告牌,好烦人,用三星Galaxy一键消除 三星
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2024-05-10 迪桑特与吴彦祖,拍了一组“破风”大片 迪桑特
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2024-05-10 法国CANAL+幽默广告:有时,还是短一点比较好 canal
2024-05-10 小米:一起去春天里遛遛自己 小米
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2024-05-10 台湾必胜客:你回家的那一天,就是母亲节 必胜客
2024-05-10 海马体:一封写给母亲的影像情书 HIMO 海马体
2024-05-10 加拿大宜家:看图找不同,结果大跌眼镜! 宜家
2024-05-10 Find Your Friends 苹果公司
2024-05-10 Aussie Lamb Meat Tray Domino's,Meat and Livestock Australia
2024-05-10 Tiendita 1800 Tequila
2024-05-10 Embrace Serenity, Find Joy! SWITCH
2024-05-10 Put AI To Work For People ServiceNow
2024-05-10 Lincoln Gallery Lincoln Cincuentenario
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2024-05-09 Apple iPad制作过程,用液压机把上百种物品压扁 苹果公司
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2024-05-09 有些人年轻得也太…露骨了吧! Swisse
2024-05-09 The Guide Project CAP Holding
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2024-05-09 钉钉的五四表达:真抱歉啊!我不是那样的青年 钉钉
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2024-05-09 枯荣如交芦 | ORIGIN Origin
2024-05-09 Ready for Every Body Hackensack Meridian Health

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