科技 290个
1 阿迪达斯涌入下沉市场,在县城印上三道杠
2 AI PC动作慢,联想何以“联想”?
3 雷军回应参加《歌手2024》:不要开玩笑了,我专心把车做好|Do早报
4 那英,《歌手2024》这场直播狂欢的绝对主角
5 618前夕淘宝升级多款商家AI工具,面向商家免费开放
6 “AI黏土特效”又将是昙花一现?
7 理想在北京成立汽车租赁公司 含网约车经营服务
8 炒作还是真情流露?“奶茶第一股”香飘飘从沉寂到复苏
9 腾讯集团副总裁蒋杰:腾讯混元大模型部分中文能力已追平GPT-4,将推出助手类APP“元宝”
10 六款洗地机新品亮相,追觅科技洗地机新品发布会苏州举办
11 纵目科技在深圳成立新能源公司 注册资本1000万
12 步长制药成立药妆生物科技公司 注册资本1000万
13 吉利在湖州成立销售新公司 注册资本1000万
14 百纳千成在广州成立影视公司 注册资本2050万
15 阳光城等被强制执行2.1亿 阳光城累计被执行超133亿
16 抢注阿勒泰商标均已被驳回 我的阿勒泰火了
17 猫一杯实控公司拟注销 猫一杯实控公司新增注销备案
18 papi酱仍间接持股被处罚MCN papi酱已退出因广告违法被罚公司
19 腾讯云吴运声:打造大模型时代原生工具链,助力客户一站式构建AI原生应用
20 爱驰汽车被强制执行2.1亿
21 绿地集团等被强制执行8.3亿 绿地集团累计被执行超17亿
22 思科 2024 第三财季收入下降 13%,创 2009 年以来最大降幅
23 腾讯汤道生:打造“三大引擎” 构建离产业最近的AI
24 泸州老窖六安钢铁集团成立贸易公司 注册资本4000万
25 恒大地产等被强制执行51亿 恒大地产累计被执行超656亿
26 万达商管在北京成立餐饮公司 万达商管成立万小堂餐饮公司
27 融创等被强制执行3.3亿 融创累计被执行超243亿
28 茅台集团及白金酒公司被执行475万
29 大连万达集团等被强制执行1.3亿 大连万达集团累计被执行3.4亿
30 papi酱卸任名下MCN机构董事 papi酱卸任被处罚MCN机构董事
6 分钟前
1 Sony Music Group hits pause on AI training with content licensing push
2 Everything announced at Google I/O 2024
3 What awaits us at Microsoft Build 2024?
4 Ethical AI: Tackling bias and ensuring fairness in machine learning algorithms
5 AI scans detect sex-based brain disparity
6 Senate considers $32 billion yearly investment in artificial intelligence
7 AI Overviews, the web filter… Google is changed
8 Writing with Paperpal AI feels like a hack
9 Google Gemini launches Gems, echoing ChatGPT’s GPTs
10 Gemini Nano: Google Chrome gets a tiny AI assistant
11 Don’t like your sunroom? Let REimagine Home AI help
12 Google Gemini on YouTube might be a reality soon
13 How to install ChatGPT desktop app on Windows
14 GPT-4o is introduced and here are its very cool use cases
15 OpenAI Spring Update live coverage
16 Google Cloud and Airtel join forces to accelerate AI adoption
17 Google DeepMind embarked on a breathtaking journey through the labyrinths of our brains
18 Apple might deploy M2 Ultra chips on cloud servers
19 OpenAI chief pushes for international body to oversee powerful AI
20 BT incorporates AI into its cyber defense
21 Ethical AI: Tackling bias and ensuring fairness in machine learning algorithms
22 Rise of artificial intelligence in cinema
23 AI ethics experts call for regulations on deadbots
24 The OpenAI Media Manager: A double-edged sword for artistic control
25 Google’s AlphaFold 3 AI system takes on the mystery of molecules
26 Microsoft is reportedly working on a ‘air-gapped AI’
27 OpenAI doesn’t want people to use DALL-E for deepfakes
28 Visa raises GenAI shields against frauds
29 Samsung Medison buys healthcare focused AI firm Sonio for $92.7M
30 ChatGPT soon outdated? OpenAI exec predicts major generative AI leap
31 Met Gala-themed celebrity deepfakes led to bafflement
32 NVIDIA’s ChatRTX expands its AI model arsenal with Google’s Gemma and voice queries
33 Google Gemini is now integrated into Chrome browser
34 AI technology brings Alan Turing back to life
35 Enhancing AI projects with advanced cloud GPU servers
36 Niches where AI faces limitations
37 AI is virtually unwrapping the past
38 Tim Cook hinted at Apple’s generative AI during an investor call
39 Anthropic’s Claude AI assistant now fits in your pocket
40 ChatGPT temporary chat feature keeps your conversations confidential
41 New AI security bill targets weaknesses in artificial intelligence
42 Amazon Q: Create AI chatbots for work
43 Meet Copilot Workspace: GitHub’s AI-enhanced coding assistant
44 gpt2: A mysterious new AI model shakes up the field
45 ChatGPT Memory: A big step towards personalized AI
46 Google GenAI course equips professionals for the AI workplace
47 Jensen Huang says AI will lead to evolving jobs, not ending jobs
48 Privacy concerns surfaced from hallucination spark another complaint against ChatGPT in the EU
49 Big Tech CEOs say AI development is a marathon, not a sprint
50 VISA CIO explains generative AI as a transformative force for payment services
51 AI is infiltrating scientific literature day by day
52 Snorkel Flow update offers a brand new approach to enterprise data management
53 Compose your dream music from your couch with Suno AI
54 Xaira secures a billion-dollar bet on the future of AI drug discovery
55 Ray-Ban Meta Glasses boast new styles and AI features
56 How to run Llama 3 locally with Ollama?
57 Llama 3: Everything you need to know about Meta’s latest LLM
58 Google will no longer offer Gemini API for free
59 Say cheese, write a Haiku with the Poetry Camera
60 Face swapping made easy with Remake AI
61 Navigating the future: AI’s role in corporate finance transformation
62 Stuck on a YouTube video? Ask AI for answers!
63 AI in education: AI writing support and editing tools
64 China has its own ChatGPT now and here’s how to use it
65 Llama 3 benchmark reveals how is Meta AI holding against ChatGPT and Gemini
66 Your messaging comes to life with WhatsApp AI
67 VASA-1 is so realistic that Microsoft can’t release it
68 Meta AI arrives at your favorite apps, here is what you can do with it
69 Best AI notetaking tools of 2024: Ace those exams and meetings!
70 Generative AI is a catalyst for family business transformation
71 Viggle AI allows you to create VFX wonders in minutes
72 Meta AI chatbot: WhatsApp now lets you use it directly in-app
73 Is it impossible to stop your data being used to train AI?
74 Microsoft addresses unexpected Copilot app appearance in recent Windows Update
75 Google updates AI ToS, affirms user ownership of AI outputs
76 LinkedIn pilots AI-powered Premium Company Pages for audience growth
77 Amazon Music Maestro: Enter prompt, get playlist from AI
78 Google to invest a whooping $100B on AI
79 Revolutionizing Wellness and Healthcare with Avatar Technology and Synthetic Images
80 Keeper AI allegedly helps you find compatible matches
81 Meta turns focus to GenAI chips for better recommendations
82 KREA AI enhancer could be your go-to choice if you are looking to upscale an image
83 Even Netflix uses AI-generated content!
84 Medium won’t pay for “AI partners”
85 Older Samsung phones will welcome Galaxy AI with One UI 6.1 update
86 What is the purpose of prompt engineering?
87 What exactly is an AI hallucination and why does it matter?
88 Hot topic: AI PCs and NPUs
89 Google generative AI tools suite unlocks the power of creation
90 What are the best AI freeware of 2024?
91 Elon Musk sets the deadline for human intelligence supremacy
92 Microsoft opens a new AI-focused office in the UK
93 Android Studio gets a major AI boost with Google Gemini
94 Artificial imaginations: Separating fact from fiction in generative AI
95 OpenAI expands fine-tuning for tailored AI models
96 OpenAI used YouTube videos to train AI, report claims
97 LLM Colosseum pushes AI limits with Street Fighter III duels
98 AI is draining Google’s money and we may be charged for it
99 Keeper AI wants to learn how high your standards are to match you
100 Spotify AI Playlist is a new way to explore music
6 分钟前
1 2023-11-28智源社区日报:AI Agents 闭门会、Orca 2、Yann LeCun访谈、Andrej Karpathy入门视频、深度学校免费新书
2 2023-11-01智源社区日报:Aquila_Bot上线、AlphaFold预测生物分子、英伟达设计半导体ChipNeMo大模型、通过压缩和文档化代码学习可解释库
3 2023-10-20智源社区日报:智源Uni3D大模型、ChatGPT文生图DALL·E 3、2023年最具潜力的50家创业公司、全面对比GPT-3.5与LLaMA 2微调
4 2023-10-16智源社区日报:如何破解对齐难题、人工智能安全治理专业委员会成立、2023年人工智能现状报告、微软AutoGen多个智能体协作、OpenAI发展史
5 2023-10-09智源社区日报:我的24家大模型机构面试经历、OpenAI揭秘DALL·E 3出图、斯坦福大学医学院院长分享、免费小项目开发经验集、MiniGPT-5
6 2023-10-08智源社区日报:Meta水印技术追踪作者、GPT-4V平替多模态LLaVA-1.5、John Carmack和Richard Sutton联手、开源与闭源站哪边?
7 2023-09-28智源社区日报:Meta发布28个聊天机器人、ChatGPT实时数据、新“AI硬件” 是什么、AI 如何改变科学、语言大模型的多模态能力、AI工作原理揭秘
8 2023-09-20智源社区日报:OpenAI安全性项目、AI破译人类基因遗传密码、大语言模型推理、如何使用70万预算从头训练千亿语言大模型
9 2023-09-18智源社区日报:智源训练集、Llama 2反馈机制升级、谷歌发布Gemini、大模型综述、讲习班、飞行挑战赛、机器人大模型与具身智能挑战赛
10 2023-09-15智源社区日报:AI洞察论坛、TOP50应用榜单、大模型推理&规划、Stability发布生成式音频模型
11 2023-09-13智源社区日报:研究者的精彩人生、仅用2.17%花销训练千亿参数大模型FLM、直面AGI的可能性、《生成式AI与教育未来》应用指南
12 2023-09-11智源社区日报:人形机器人闭门研讨会、Meta开发新大模型、生成式 AI 赛道的19家潜力新星、知识图谱与大模型如何结合、全科医学人工智能中的应用潜力、自底向上的计算机科学
13 2023-09-07智源社区日报:苹果大模型内幕故事、OpenAI将举办首届全球“开发者大会”、语言Agent的认知架构、大模型幻觉、初探之预训练、智源专家团面授报名
14 2023-09-06智源社区日报:智源招聘、AI蛋白质结构预测、2023 年度编程语言榜单排名、可解释性的潜在机理系列报告活动
15 2023-09-05智源社区日报:OpenAI科学家Jason Wei专访、AI标注已达人类水平、AI21 Labs新估值破百亿、为什么GPU适合深度学习、24点超98%准确率、可解释性的潜在机理系列报告
16 2023-09-04智源社区日报:大模型前沿技术讲习班、GPT-5秘密训练、14篇AI Agents论文探讨AI未来、可解释性的潜在机理活动
17 2023-09-01智源社区日报:AI+心理、如何用好ChatGPT、复旦大学发布健康助手、开源成功的方法论、累积推理与大语言模型复杂推理
18 2023-08-31智源社区日报:AI大模型产品上线、前谷歌CEO发起登月计划、AI无人机竞速击败人类冠军、TaskLAMA:语言模型复杂任务理解探究
19 2023-08-30智源社区日报:OpenAI超级对齐四年计划、8月份高赞论文、谷歌芯片、学术必备神器、OpenAI推出企业版、Meta AI数据集
20 2023-08-25智源社区日报:Code Llama文本生成代码模型开源、计算机辅助数学证明历史、HF获投资、IJCAI 杰出论文、2023大模型前沿技术讲习班
6 分钟前
1 开了眼的ChatGPT真让人开了眼了
2 不服不行,ChatGPT加持下OpenAI的文生图模型又碾压对手了
3 妙鸭“免费”了,它不想只做一个偶尔刷屏的AI写真App
4 已经有人替OpenAI把GPT-5做出来了?
5 AI领域最火的论文平台arXiv,正在成为学术毒瘤?
6 ChatGPT流量持续三个月下滑,怎么回事?
7 浪潮信息 AI&HPC 应用软件首席架构师Allen演讲实录:大模型时代的算力之道
8 过去一个月,投资AI公司的钱都被谁拿走了?
9 在做大模型这件事上,腾讯不会成为一家创业公司
10 中文大模型比英文更烧钱,这居然是AI底层原理决定的?
11 ChatGPT企业版炸裂上线!无限制访问、两倍速、3.2万token……OpenAI开始“抢钱”了
12 谷歌新模型的算力已是GPT-4的5倍,要大力出奇迹反超OpenAI了?
13 迅速逼近ChatGPT!Llama 最新代码生成模型已经直追GPT-4了
14 用一部4K修复版《武状元苏乞儿》,去还胶片年代的“账”
15 坚定不移地同浪潮站在一处
16 还在担心辅导不了孩子数学?AI家教MathGPT来了!
17 英伟达业绩冲天,看来只有黄仁勋能打败黄仁勋了!
18 现在AI没意识,不代表以后没有!图灵奖得主Bengio最新论文:技术已不是障碍
19 OpenAI不藏着了,开放微调功能,不用其他工具就能搞一个你自己的ChatGPT
20 大模型晚报|字节跳动推出 AI 对话产品豆包,现已开启测试
21 字节跳动向大模型大乱斗扔出一个豆包
22 OpenAI的首次收购,指向一件事:他们要做应用了
23 大模型之争,讯飞星火准备好了
24 大模型晚报|OpenAI宣布首笔公开收购,买了一家做游戏的初创公司
25 大模型晚报|钉钉个人版将加入AI 文本生成模型,现在已开启内测申请
26 大模型晚报|Bing Chat 存在质量问题,微软回应将改善用户体验
27 像素版西部世界已经出现,里面的AI居民甚至已经开始看《1984》了
28 大模型晚报|ChatGPT每日成本约70万美元,OpenAI或已在破产边缘
29 硅谷大佬们都在追的“e/acc”,是个什么新玩意?
30 GPU瓶颈到底卡住了谁?
7 分钟前

