The Lancet Regional Health – Americas
1. [Articles] The response of health systems to the needs of migrants and refugees in the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative case study between Mexico, Colombia and Peru Ietza Bojorquez, Andres Cubillos-Novella, Juan Arroyo-Laguna, Luis Alberto Martinez-Juarez, Ana Cristina Sedas, Oscar Franco-Suarez, Zuly Suárez-Morales, Edith Adame-Avilés, Marcela Barragán-León, Angela Suarez, Miriam Orcutt, Paul Spiegel
2. [Health Policy] The impact of stigma and discrimination-based narratives in the health of migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean: a scoping review Baltica Cabieses, Karoline Belo, Alejandra Carreño Calderón, Isabel Rada, Karol Rojas, Candelaria Araoz, Michael Knipper
3. [Health Policy] Intersections between gender approaches, migration and health in Latin America and the Caribbean: a discussion based on a scoping review Baltica Cabieses, Benelli Velázquez, Alice Blukacz, Sofia Farante, Ietza Bojórquez, Edward Mezones-Holguín
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2024-05-14 [Articles] The response of health systems to the needs of migrants and refugees in the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative case study between Mexico, Colombia and Peru Ietza Bojorquez, Andres Cubillos-Novella, Juan Arroyo-Laguna, Luis Alberto Martinez-Juarez, Ana Cristina Sedas, Oscar Franco-Suarez, Zuly Suárez-Morales, Edith Adame-Avilés, Marcela Barragán-León, Angela Suarez, Miriam Orcutt, Paul Spiegel
2024-04-24 [Countdown] The 2023 Latin America report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for health-centred climate-resilient development Stella M. Hartinger, Yasna K. Palmeiro-Silva, Camila Llerena-Cayo, Luciana Blanco-Villafuerte, Luis E. Escobar, Avriel Diaz, Juliana Helo Sarmiento, Andres G. Lescano, Oscar Melo, David Rojas-Rueda, Bruno Takahashi, Max Callaghan, Francisco Chesini, Shour
2024-04-19 [Articles] Burden of liver disease in Brazil, 1996–2022: a retrospective descriptive study of the epidemiology and impact on public healthcare João Sérgio Fonseca Guimarães, Jordana Almeida Mesquita, Thais Yuki Kimura, Ana Luíza Matos Oliveira, M. Fatima Leite, André Gustavo Oliveira

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